Thursday, March 21, 2024

Owen's School House Rock

Peter drew a picture for Wes today, and we licked the envelope, put a stamp on it, and put it in our mailbox and put up the flag. Pretty exciting. Peter checked on the flag today until he saw it down, so now it's on it's way! Katharine had a drawing from church that she added a few scribbles onto and I put that in the envelope too. She kept holding it up to proudly show me her work. 
When I took it she felt betrayed "hey!" so then I gave it back and was able to sneak it when she wasn't looking. So just a putter around morning, and then at 1:45 we went to the school to watch Owen's school house rock performance. 
He did a great job from what I could tell. I didn't see all of it... but I did catch about as much of it as I usually do... 
Cause of these two cuties running around.
Peter would have sat and listened I think, but K would not, and Peter was following her to make sure she didn't escape. She was having too much fun and found a playmate her age, and Daniel walked by and gave them a quick hug.
With the other little girl's dad keeping an eye on all 3 of them, I snuck over in time to hear Owen on his main speaking part as "Tom" before Conjunction Junction what's your function number. 
Owen has been singing a lot. 
The 3rd graders are all really excited about their part in this production. 
Owen got to be an Arab in the Melting Pot song.
And a post - production photo with his two younger siblings who did not pay much attention to the show. 
Peter, you did good. Katharine, I don't want to bring you again. But I'll be here again with her next year anyway.

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