Friday, March 22, 2024

Ethan is 22 & Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Birthday to Ethan!! Today is his Golden Birthday (22 years old on the 22nd!) hooray for Eth! Wesley called twice from Texas to wish E a happy birthday. The first time Eth was at work and didn't answer, so the rest of us enjoyed chatting with Wes for a second. Peter eating top ramen for lunch, H at school, Mel at work at the Sky Room.

Then Wes called back when Eth was available, and Ethan, Bella, and Wes had fun talking mission stuff for a bit. BeReal went off while they were having lunch - so here is Ethan enjoying a nice soup bread bowl.

Bella is taking good care of him. 
We had the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt today. Yesterday, after I dropped Owen off at his soccer practice, I went to Walmart and got candy and eggs and some baskets. Then I went back to the soccer practice field and stuffed eggs while I waited for practice to be over.

Katharine looked so cute walking over today with her little bucket. 

Holding her baby, aww. She's a little mother.
Peter had a dinosaur bucket. And since K had her baby, P had to bring his Spider-man doll too, that Wes brought back from Guate in 2021.
The sun was out and the weather was perfect as we walked over - 
But then the clouds and wind rolled in. Daniel got the bunny bucket.
Somehow I forgot I had FIVE children involved... and while I correctly made 60 eggs for them (a dozen each), I only got 4 buckets, so Natalie used a purse. Wride group pic, nice hat Owen.
And neighborhood group pic.
The kids were divided into three groups as usual. 1-3 year olds (K), 4-7 year olds (D&P), and 8-11 (Natalie). When they gave the word, NOD took off and I went with Katharine. She picked up one egg, opened it, and was ready to sit and eat her Milky Way and Twix. I gave them to her and had her follow me to go get more eggs. The wind was blowing and a few raindrops, but we soon had her 12 eggs. Wind blowing her hair. 
I guess during spring in Utah, you should always bring a jacket with you! The kids all came back after they got 12 eggs, and then they got the ok to go gather whatever extra eggs they could find. Natalie stayed with Katharine while I checked in on how Peter was doing. He was sad cause he didn't find any extra eggs, just his 12, but I told him it was ok - there really weren't many extras anyway. We walked toward where K was and a neighbor was passing out cookies. Katharine's eggs had play doh, bubbles, two stamps, tatoos, and she was excited when one of them had actual candy!
"Hey! I like this game!" I'm glad I put candy in all of our eggs. I prob did the best stuffing them with treats. I had a dozen very large eggs with four treats in each of them. K got one of those. It was a good activity, and I hurried home with Peter and Katharine after they were done, cause it seemed like a storm was building up. Nothing actually happened, but was enough that it killed my bike ride plans this afternoon. Corey still went - he took his bike to his dad's today, so when his brain was done, he went up Millcreek Canyon for a ride. When he got back, we went out to eat at Aubergine in Draper for date night. I'm glad I was able to catch up on the blog while I waited for him to come get me (Abi and Lily  had my car at GMS). See ya.

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