Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Visiting with The Dahls

Peter didn't want to sleep on his bed last night, and Corey didn't want him in our room... Daniel was nice enough to share his bed with his little brother. Thanks Daniel <3

I thought they looked sweet. Of course, I tend to always think sleeping kids are sweet and cute. 

This was when I went in to wake up Daniel for school. I had gone in there at 5:20 to do my tooth fairy duty this morning - go me! Daniel had been walking around with a string yesterday asking people to yank out his tooth. When I got home from violin, I did the job, but you need Glide floss, not that skinny weak string. I was able to tie it around and pop it out. And then, success... I didn't forget to be the tooth fairy. Alarm set for 5:15 AM and I got 'er done the first night! I'm getting better yay. 

So... I took my car in for a tune up before my eclipse road trip next Tuesday. One week away! got an oil change, tires rotated and air pressure and everything. Abi drove it to her lesson after and now it sounds a bit more loud when I'm accelerating for some reason? But they said it looks good to go, so I'll take Burt's word for it. I dropped it off and when Corey left for work, he took Abi to Burt Bros to wait for the car, then she took it to her lesson. They didn't have school today cause the juniors are taking the ACT. I was nice having them home - since Abi was there, I was able to take the car in and then walked home, and felt free to take a longer route through Quail Hollow. It was nice to be outside. I was thirsty so I ate some of the fresh snow. This week is colder than last week, and since it snowed it's not getting warm enough to dry out any trails, so no bike riding this week. I'm sure it will be ready to go once we're back from Texas. 

Tonight some of our good friends, the Dahls, came by for a visit. We had dinner and a talent show and it was great, similar to visits from years past (2014 & 2017). They were down from Oregon for a ballroom competition and to see their college kids during spring break. Let's see if I can get the names - L to R: Camille holding baby Hava, next to husband Dallin, Micah, Lucy, Lydia, SANDOPCK and then Jeff with his back to us. 

Lydia, Lucy, Lily, Ester and Peter on the stairs, Jeff and Amber, Abi, Sophi, Corey - Corey and Daniel performing "Play that Funky Music"
Then Lucy played some amazing piano! 
And Micah was really good too doing lots of improve and playing a song he wrote called "Little C" that he wrote to capture feelings he had after a spiritual experience, which I think is such an amazing thing to do, wow! He said he kinda taught himself piano during covid. Impressive. Made me want to get a baby grand piano and start playing around or taking lessons. Micah and Abi playing Heart and Soul
So it was great to see them. They shared their ballroom competition videos, and for the last video I put on our Dance party 5 video to show we got some moves too, ha. J/K - We weren't trying to one up each other or anything, just sharing the joy of raising kids and our rejoicing in all the great things they are doing. We read scriptures together and then they headed back to Orem and we got an early start on the bedtime routine - getting to bed at 10pm tonight, yay! I credit Jesus Christ and his gospel 100% for all the wonderful fruits of life that we are enjoying. I can see it in the Dahls' lives too. I'm so grateful we have Christ and his gospel pointing us on the path of greatest happiness! 

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