Monday, April 29, 2024

FHE - 5000

We do a pretty good job at reading scriptures at night together as a family, with some discussion on current events, but Lily pointed out recently that we don't do a FHE activity on Monday nights. So, tonight we repented of that and we FORCED everyone to sit down and play a game. They tried to scatter, but we told them to park themselves on the bench cause we're having family time. I was lobbying for the Utah version of Monopoly "Utah-opoly" but I was out voted. I admit it would have involved a learning curve since most of the kids have never played it, plus it would have been AP Monopoly cause Katharine was crawling around on the table. So everyone said let's just play 5000. 5000 it is. I got dice, Katharine went for them, but luckily I had about 30 extra that we gave her instead of the 5 we were using. 

Look at us having family time, yay
Roll the dice and hope you get 1s and 5s! Or a large straight!
There was one player who got real lucky this game, with some triple dices and even three 1s for 1000 points. Corey was the only one who got a straight but it wasn't enough to keep him ahead of Peter! 
So Peter won that game. Then we did BS, Lily taught us that one. There were a few tears shed when the boys took the BS calls a little too personally, but it was good. We probably need to do a bit more of this to help the boys toughen up their emotions. It was good, and we're just gonna keep things simple for now, we will do a game again next Monday. Maybe next Sunday too! We played games last night so we did two days in a row! Impressive. 

Other fun things from today - Corey and I took a ride with Joseph and Eliza this morning. We all made it to the first bridge then they headed back home to get ready to go back to Provo. Corey and I went up to the techy section, then had to hurry back cause I was late for a RS meeting. 
We were able to do that cause Abi was home to help. Abi Lily and Sophi didn't have school cause it was a teacher work day, so it was nice to have them around. Well, Abi was helpful. Lily was gone on a hike all day, Sophi aka sleeping beauty was getting her beauty rest. Abi got some too when I went climbing around 2. I appreciate these big kid helpers, and they don't mind helping. They all love Katharine.
So I got in two recreational activities today, woot! It's for my mental health. We had a good phone call with Wes today. He's going good. Life is good.

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