Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Good to Get Outside

At church on Sunday, a good friend, Stephani said we should take our kiddo's to the park on Tuesday, so we did! We met up and let them play at the playground, and had a little lunch under a cottonwood tree, and as we visited I asked her if she'd ever been down into the gully? She hadn't, and I told her about the little creek, so we figured that would be a good place to have our dessert. We walked down, the kids were so cute, and it was magical.

It was just perfect for the kids - out of a Huckleberry Fin story. It was so fun to see them play with rocks, sticks, and water, and the wrappers from their cookies - they used them as little pouches to hold the water from the stream and give themselves showers. 

They got dirty and wet and didn't want to leave, and it was great. Stephani and I had a great visit and it was so good to catch up. We finally did convince the kids to hike back up to the park, where we had round 2 at the playground.
Say cheese!
Corey came home around 6 and took all the kids with him to volunteer at the Sandy Crops garden. Daniel and I came after he was done at practice. I was surprised about how much our kids all loved it. Something about being out in nature and getting your hands dirty! And your face!
That cute picture of Katharine made their facebook page!
So it was a good get out in nature day for all of us. And they got otter pops after finishing their work at the crop garden. 

One other item from today - I was on the phone today with Wesley. Yesterday was his preparation day, but today they called to let me know that he's had a few choking incidents (I was aware of one of them) and the mission nurse and area doctor are recommending he get an endoscopy done. They said maybe he'd come home for a few days to get it done here, so I'm going to call insurance tomorrow to check out coverage, but I know we have a high deductible that I'm sure we won't meet, and having it go toward the deductible is the only reason for him to come do it here, but I don't think that's worth him being here for 5 days. I'll probably recommend looking into him just getting it done there in Abilene. Although it would have been fun to see him, but I don't want him to lose momentum, so yeah I'm calling our insurance tomorrow and we'll be figuring that for what to do to help him. They said he's like choked 5 or 6 times, so yes, definitely will be good to get it taken care of. I wonder if that is what happened when he choked as a 2 year old? I can't find if I blogged that here anywhere, but it was a scary moment in August 2007 when I was 8 month pregnant with Abi and we had just moved into the Crosswood house - Corey and I were talking in the kitchen I don't know about what, he had been in the side room next to it playing with a Blokus game and then came up to us and kinda pulled my shirt to get our attention and he was choking, we tried the heimlich maneuver and he was still choking, lips started to turn blue and eyes rolled back, I called out to God in urgent prayer and I just was shoving my finger in his mouth down his throat to get whatever it was out and he was biting my finger hard and then he took a big gasp of air. Corey took him to the ER after that, it was scary and they did an xray but didn't find anything, so that is something that we're going to ask God about when we get to heaven, cause we don't even know what he was choking on or what happened. I also thought many times about what would have happened if none of us had been in the room with him? I just would have walked in found him dead on the floor. The other time that happened was when we were in Brazil, pregnant with Owen, I ended up tripping as I ran out to help, and Wes was ok but then I went to the ER to check on the baby cause I landed on my stomach. So that's one of the flashback memories we always remember when we talk about Wes choking. I know that eventually we do not get to escape death, but I'm glad he didn't die that day, or two other times. We've pointed out to Wes before that he's eluded death a few times. We're in God's hands, He is in charge.

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