Thursday, April 4, 2024

Fort Worth Stockyards

Here we are in Texas. I hadn't done any planning on any activities. I just had a plan to get in our car and drive. But my little bro Grant has come through for us all and made an itinerary. He's been showing us what there is to see and do here in their hometown. So today we went to the Stockyards to see the longhorn cattle drive. It was busy and I lost Grant on the drive in, and my phone was only at 40% so I was nervous about losing power on the drive back to his house, so I left it off most of the time. He's taken other pics that I shall upload later. So I parked somewhere that cost $17, Grant went to a free spot where he usually goes. We didn't find each other until after the cattle drive, but I tried to follow where people seemed to be going, and we were hustling and did make it to the main street in time to see the 4:00 drive of a herd of longhorns coming down the street - "The Old West comes to life before your eyes during the world's only twice-daily cattle drive presented by the Fort Worth Herd. Real Texas cowhands drive a herd of Texas longhorns down East Exchange Avenue in the Stockyards National Historic District every day at 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Every detail of the cattle drive—from the saddles and chaps to the boots and hats – is authentic and historically true." 
After the cattle drive and the crowd dispersed, we found Grant and Patrice, too! She had come with a few of her kids! It was busier than either of them have seen it (from people in town for the eclipse?) We couldn't actually see them that well on the drive, but afterwards we followed where they had gone, and had a good view of them coming back into the corral. 
Peter said he wants to be a cowboy. The longhorn cattle were pretty cool!
I was impressed with how careful they were with their horns as they were walking past each other or by tall wood rails or when they were feeding on hay. They were all so gentle. What do you think, Peter?
Even if the horns are hollow, they gotta be heavy. I don't know how those poor cows go to bed at night with those big things! Definitely can't lay down on a pillow. That's gotta be more uncomfortable than having sponge curlers in. So that was fun, it smelled like cattle do. Got a group pic in front of a big ol' Texas flag - 
Then we did a maze thing for $8 bucks a pop, I need to pay back Trice for that. She took a pic of me and K, and Peter who you can't see, down in the middle of being lost. 
The kid cousins all had to find and punch their cards with M - A - Z - E hole punchers. Peter got a little frustrated in there. It was feeling hot too. Katharine tried to drink someone's hot soda that was left in the maze on the ground. We were the last ones out (we started a little later than them though) It was hot, we found water, kids wanted ice cream, but I told them we can't by it there - it'd be atleast $75 if we did, so we headed home with the promise of ice cream back at the house. It was cute to see everyone walking along the railroad tracks...
Grant ran to the store for some Texas famous Blue Bell Ice cream. That helped take off the edge a little bit. 
Then kids played around on the trampoline and throwing the toy axes, and for dinner we roasted hot dogs and made marshmallow smores in the backyard firepit. Peter waving his hot dog stick triumphantly in the air.
Then we sat and talked - Trice shared this very funny comedian sketch - Dustin Nickerson. He's got lots of good stuff in there. "I want to look pretty good dressed..." "I work out a lot... ta-da! This took a lot of effort... I'm disappointed too." To wife: Does it look like I workout? "It looks like you workout, but also like you never miss a cheat day..." I'll limit myself to one more part I liked  - the essential oils bit "I get it, we all like to believe in magic..." Very funny stuff. Then it was late, so we had scriptures in Grant's office, which was fun, then brush teeth and off to bed. 
Katharine has been the center of attention most for everyone. She's so cute. Patrice said she just wants to capture Katharine's cute little voice and keep it to listen to anytime she needs a pick-me-up. Grant and Stephanie have four boys and are expecting their first girl, due the beginning of August. So fun! They are thrilled, and Katharine has validated their excitement. Little girls are so fun. I'm happy for them! Corey was a little hesitant to take the kids to Dallas for spring break, cause it isn't much of a tourist destination. He just didn't know what there was to do. And I guess I didn't either, but I didn't care. I was determined to come for the eclipse so I figured we'd figure out something to do, or just not do anything. The kids have been more than content to stay and play with their cousins' toys... We explored their backyard - Daniel found a lizard - 
And we went to explore the green belt area - just uninhabited forest next to Joe Pool Lake, which is a little walk away from their fence. They have a little fort they made called Camp Ticonderoga, plus another house area called H-HQ that was also really fun. Gotta be careful of snakes and poison ivy, but they love it. They've camped back there before. There are also bobcats and coyotes, but Grant says they hardly ever see them. Fun stuff to do outside, and plenty of fun toys to play with inside. Peter made a house for his Spiderman doll. 
Peter didn't want to go anywhere today, and took his shoes and sock off three times as he tried to protest against going to the stockyards. But I got them on him, I win. We are going to a museum tomorrow, but I told him it's a dinosaur museum, which is it, so he's already stated that he will come willingly, so that's good. And then we're having beach time tomorrow too. Should be fun. Tomorrow will be our last busy "we're going somewhere" day, cause Saturday and Sunday are general conference. Good times.

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