Wednesday, April 3, 2024


We have arrived in Texas. We pulled over at the border to take a photo - close to the town of Texline. 

And a solo pic of Peter so I could send it to Wes of his little buddy.

Wes, we're so close to you! and yet, so far away (21 months). So we had a long drive yesterday to Red River. It seems like a cute little ski town, we'll have to come back someday when the lifts are open (I think last weekend was the last the lifts were open this year). We went to bed early last night, the kids did good keeping quiet and I got good rest for the drive ahead of us today. I woke up around 7, got myself ready, took a few things to the car, and then I woke up the kids. Here were their sleeping arrangements: Daniel opted for the couch, Peter made a couch from putting two chairs together like we often do in Park City...

Owen on the murphy bed, he was glad to get it to himself. 

We didn't make it on the road at 6 but that's ok, We were on our way soon enough. Nutella bread and clementines for breakfast, then checking out of room 107. 

Leaving at 6 wasn't my plan for today necessarily. I didn't want to drive on unfamiliar roads in the dark. Might have been a little late though, cause the sun was right in my eyes as we drove east over Bobcat Pass and through Cimmaron Canyon! I was thinking of the movie "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron". It was beautiful country! I never knew New Mexico was so pretty. It was really lovely, and as soon as we came out of Cimmaron Canyon, then we arrived at what I thought New Mexico would look like - lots of desert and wide open spaces with a few mesas in the far distance. Katharine took a nap, woke up, and was a little in disbelief that we were still driving in the car... 

Weren't we doing this just yesterday? It's like a bad dream...

I saw her in the rear view mirror and told Sophi to take a pic, cause Katharine is SO STINKIN' CUTE!! Oh we love her. So it was a long long drive and our second long day in a row, and the kids did awesome. We didn't stop for lunch, the kids just hunkered down and had a "really long date night" as Owen called it - just movie after movie. At the 4 hour mark "Just two more movies and we'll almost be there!" The watched the small tv screen and ate veggie straws, cheese sticks, clementines, and I just kept truckin' along. We thought of Wesley as we drove past road signs that said Lubbock and Abilene ~

When we arrived in Grant's neighborhood, his kids were out at the corner ready to welcome us. They had been watching us on Life 360. We said a prayer and then enjoyed a lovely dinner that Stephanie made - wild rice, curried fish, and veggies. They say their family prayer before dinner, so we were happy to join them for that. 

We're glad to be here! And very grateful that we arrived safely. Kids are glad to be out of the car and to play with toys. I gave them all a bath since they (and I) we all wore our clothes for two days straight. Good to get clean and have a nice dinner and to relax with family! We're excited to be here, praying for the clouds to clear up for the eclipse. 

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