Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Double Header

I was going to do a double header yesterday. Sometimes I'll climb and bike, or ski and climb, but today I did my favorite type of double header - Temple & Bike! First temple for initiatories

Then bike! 

Took a ride in Corner Canyon and I did Clarks, which I haven't done for a while. It's been closed after the houses fell over the edge early in Apr 2023 and it felt pretty brutal. Looks like in Aug 2021 I was proud when I didn't have to stop on the hill at all, and I didn't stop today, so good job me. Then I took Rush down, and rush the trees, then did rush the end a extra time. Total ride was just under an hour, and THEN I went and did a dozen+ laps on the beginner and intermediate jump line. Got some air a few times, only lost my footing once but I didn't fall, yay. I so appreciate having Hyrum home right now! He is a great help watching the kids. I went to 11am initiatories, and I spent some time reading Doctrine and Covenants 109 as I waited, per President Nelson's invitation, and as I read I inserted "family" each time it said "house" and that made me tear up, esp verse 5: 

For thou knowest that we have done this work through great tribulation; and out of our poverty we have given of our substance to build a house (family) to thy name... 

We've tried to build up a family to God, and have been doing it in our kinda poverty, but I know we are not in poverty like so many experience in the world. As Elder Holland has said "I have had to worry about finances on occasion, but I have never been poor..." We are still paying for things like Katharine's hospital bills from her birth two years ago. There are lots of expenses that comes from striving to raise 13 kids. It is a joyful burden (talk by Elder Rasband) that comes with many costs, but even greater blessings (Elder Holland talk - interesting that his and Elder Rasband's were one right after the other!) Children and family, similar to education and work experience, are refining tribulations that push us and are SO good for us. I know that Corey and I have been so blessed as we try to give them experiences and take care of them. 

So there are some thoughts and three BeReals to sum up my day. 

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