Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Two Temple Trips

Melodie and I just got back from working on the grounds at the Draper Temple. I left Abi in charge, Corey asked for a kid status as I left: TM temple 4:30-6, AS coming to temple at 6:40 for baptisms with TM (I was thinking I might go bike while they were in baptisms, but I didn't get my biking stuff in the car and also figured I should do temple first, since I already exercised today (top rope with Corey this morning), L babysitting 5-9:30, NK at activity days 4-5, ODP at friends' houses, H leaving to hang out with friends at 6:30. It was helpful that Natalie took K to activity days. They were supposed to bring one of their favorite things, and Natalie wanted to take Katharine! They have a special bond like Wes and Peter. So N took K to Activity days, Abi and Sophi were home to be in charge, and Mel and I left to go plant flowers! We were there with other people from our Stake, young and old. The temple groundskeeper had everything set out where it was supposed to go, and so we all grabbed hand shovels and went to work. It was good to be out in the sun and with my hands in the dirt.

I'm trying to stretch everyday, and today I'm counting some of the one leg squats I did while the other stretched out and balanced me in between the plots. It was good and some of the older than me people mentioned how they were impressed with my youth and flexibility, one guy asked if I do yoga. I am trying to stay mobile and nimble as long as I can. We got a ride out there with my friend Lisa, whose husband passed away last March. It was nice to have time to visit in the car with her, she shared some things about raising kid and how her kids were not allowed to fight. I asked for more details, like how do you do that, cause kids fight, right? Well, hers didn't, cause they were not allowed. She shared two stories - one of her mom, who when she was younger was reading, a younger sibling wanted to play and pestered her for like an hour, and finally frustrated, she gave her younger sibling a punch on the arm, and THAT was when her mom walked by and SHE (Lisa's mom) got in trouble. So she decided then that she would never take sides when her kids quarreled - both would be held responsible. Parents often don't know who is telling the truth in a situation, and it's no fun to play policeman anyway, so both kids get a chore. I like it. And Lisa also shared that when she was growing up, she did something that made her brother get in trouble and she knew it was her fault and she felt bad, and went and helped him do his chore. So Lisa's rule has been: No fighting, if there is any, both kids get a chore. She did say that sometimes her mom would call out a warning if she heard any squabbling starting: "There are socks to fold!" So I'm hopeful about trying to apply this. OH! And that went for tattling too! If one kid came and told on another kid, both would be given a chore. Lisa said "You learn real quick to resolve your differences without getting mom involved!" So wow, I'm liking this. She also mentioned how a neighbor commented on seeing Eric stand for her when he was in the bishopric upon the stand, so he'd already be there at church and when she walked in with the kids he would stand. Eric was doing that before President Nelson ever made a comment on it! I mentioned that to Corey tonight, teasing, and he said as he looked up sheepishly "...seems a bit much??" Ha, I hardly let him open the car door for me, and I am doing better at that, but I don't expect to see Corey stand for me. Eric was great though, really a true gentleman, and he taught his sons how to be gentlemen, and their daughters learned how to be ladies from Lisa. I think her kids should compile a book called "Ladies and Gentlemen" of all the ways that their parents taught them civility. So that's been on my mind, want to figure some things out for how to apply those ideas in our home. 

Mel and I got a ride back home with Lisa, and after we walked in the door, Mel and Corey, Abi and Sophi turned around to go back to the temple to do baptisms. The plan originally was for Abi and Sophi to drive out there for the 7pm appointment, and Mel and I brought our Sunday clothes to change into, but we ended up getting our hands more than a little dirty...
Should have brought gloves! We were working from 5-6:30, but we finished a little early, so we left at 6:25 and were able to get home to wash up, and then I decided for Corey to go with them instead of me, so that he could perform the baptisms. They enjoyed going together, and I was glad to stay home. It  been a busy day, always is, so I was grateful for some home time. 

One of the tasks we did today was mail a package to Wesley. Peter was very excited about this. He's been wanting to mail Wes a "lego set" for over a week. I've been putting him off, but today we got it ready. Peter had his lego set - it's two figures: Wesley and Peter. 
Wes is holding the Book of Mormon. I had a little white box set aside to mail his package in, but Peter ended up writing all over it and it was cute, I thought Wes would like it...
so I cut up a white folder to make a box for the box. Peter and I went to the post office to mail it, and I sent this picture to Wes to let him know a package from Peter was on the way. It also had some drawings Peter did in it, and I wrote down on each picture what it was - like a picture of Wes and Peter eating dinner, a picture of our house, a drawing of the temple and our house, etc. I think Wes will like it, but I told him to not get too excited cause "it's about what you'd expect from a 5 year old..." 
So that was cute. While Peter was waiting for me to make the box, he was riding his bike around the kitchen. Mel was in the kitchen cleaning and mopping (she's an angel). The kitchen needed a good mopping because last night, after I made toast for Peter, and I didn't put the garlic salt away, and K got on the table and found it and emptied out almost the whole thing, and this was a big Costco container of garlic salt, so yay. I wasn't as heartbroken over this as I was about the maple syrup on Saturday. But apparently Katharine is taking it up a level. So Mel was mopping the floor and Peter was doing laps on his bike, and on one of his laps, he paused to tell Mel: "We are working together! I made it dirty, and you clean it up!" He said it so proudly and also like he had just discovered a great hidden treasure of knowledge, and it was also SO TRUE - it made me laugh so hard. I had him pause so I could take a photo to capture the moment. 
And Mel helped me share the moment on facebook - my SECOND story ever! Wow go me, I'm so millenial.
Different pics of K sleeping this morning. Sometime during the night she rolled off her bed onto the floor (not a scary thing to roll from the bottom of a triple bunk bed). Picture of her when I went in to wake up Abi - I told Abi to be careful not to step on her. - 6:21 in the bug pose:
She must have stirred a little as Abi put on makeup and stuff, Abi gave her a stuffed animal so that was cute to see her snuggle with that in her sleep - 7:14 am.
And after climbing at 9:36 am, she's still asleep and back in the bed now, ha, cute. It is a rare treat but it was nice to have her sleep in - made for a little bit more of a slow morning, even with how busy the rest of the afternoon went.

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