Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Kat's Turn

Look at Cute Katharine! This cute pic was tonight after her 3rd (4th?) bath for the day.  

Natalie did her hair and let me know that she likes it when K's hair is more whispy. I guess we can do that. K is wearing boots that Wes sent back from Texas with Mark! He found them at a thrift store and got them for Peter but they are a bit too small for Peter. We'll try to get K to wear them enough to get use out of them, or we'll save them for Wesley's kids to wear. They are super cute with a Texas flag on them! Aww, cute. I was glad that K seemed to be well today, cause the morning started off a bit rough. She threw up in her bed at 5:30 am. I'm glad that I had moved out of her bed around 2 and I was spared. It wasn't much of a mess... she hadn't eaten much dinner, just a clementine. Still, she did NOT like not being in control of herself!
This involuntary reaction, boo! She threw up again in the tub and seemed to be trying to keep it down and not let it out. It was sad, poor thing doesn't know what's going on. 
She loved being in the kid's bathroom. The water there works a little better than the faucet in our room, to control volume and temperature, so maybe I'll give her baths in here more. She stayed in the tub for a long time, but eventually I put on a movie for her and Corey and I snuck out for a ride while Hyrum got kids to school for me. Abi stayed home sick so she was able to help a little bit too. They put K down for a nap in my bed, and when she woke up at 10, she had a big blowout that I got on my bed, so I had to wash our sheets too, and that was K's bath #2. So it was a laundry and stay at home day, and that's ok. Corey and I did sneak off to do top rope at 8pm and that was fun. We were able to make our get away cause K was in the tub again, Lily watching her. We've been trying to do all our exercising together, for climbing and biking. We'll see if we're able to keep that up in the summer. I'm glad we're still climbing! I hope that K's sickness does not mean that we're about to start another round of throwing up for everyone. Hopefully it's just her checking off her turn from the sickness we had going around here two weeks ago. I'm glad she seemed fine the rest of the day. She's a cutie pie.

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