Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

Saturday night I posted my first "story" ever to facebook. 

That was an appropriate mother's day picture, I thought. They are the blessings that make me a happy mother. It's a lot of work, but it's the best. Today was a lovely sabbath day. I had a lazy morning. Corey made french toast with french break for breakfast for everyone. The lesson at church was on President Holland's talk "Motions of a Hidden Fire" - talked about how it was like the Aurora Borealis that was in Utah Friday night. I didn't see it, Mel was sad she didn't know about it. But what a beautiful analogy - this fire in the sky that is there even though sometimes we can't see it - that's like prayer. The power of God all around us, if we can just get away from the distractions of life to tune into it. Pretty amazing. Mel was pretty sad she didn't know about it, and they thought it might still be going on last night - she wanted to go see it last night, but stayed up late pressing flowers (I think from Ethan's friend Truman's wedding yesterday?) 
The kids sang a sweet song "Their Mothers Knew" and O and D had enough of a scuffle on the walk from the stand to the pew that Daniel punched Owen as they were still standing and scooting to their seats.
It's cause Owen took his red fish water toy that they got at Oliver's bday party yesterday, which K had just been holding and lost interest in as Owen was walking by. Daniel got mad "That's mine!" Daniel doesn't believe us when we say that they will be friends someday. Owen does tend to pick on him, and D does a great job at reacting just how Owen is trying to get him to react. My siblings and I never fought like that! haha just kidding. We're friends now though. Little brother Neil and sister Beka with her husband Matt came over to Hibbert Headquarters and we gave Mom a new Frameo gift, then sat around talking about parenthood and kids and all the fun cynical stuff. 
Mel came with Corey and I and she thought it was fun to listen to us talk. We visited there for a bit - Joseph called to let us know that he got a flat tire. A wedge thing that people use to keep their trailers still on a sloped driveway fell off of a truck and he ran over it and it gave him a flat and totally dented his tire rim. Could have been so much worse! Joseph was one hour into his 5 hour drive. He changed the tire in his white shirt and tie.
Joseph decided it was best to just keep going. He drove the the rest of the way at 50 mph on his spare tire! We checked in on him via life 360 thoughout the evening. Corey said this picture tells a story.
I shared that photo with Neil and, knowing the context, he commented that "That Life 360 'Protect this drive' sounds like a prayer to heaven!" Love conquers all! 
Joseph would have gone up there with her this past week, but he stayed to pick up her ring which was done on Friday. Picked that up and he was itching to get up there, but he stuck around for mother's day and gave me a nice gift by doing a ton of yard work on Saturday. He's a good kid. 

So after visiting with my parents, and while Joseph was on his adventure, we went over to Nancy's house for dinner with the Wrides. Nancy has a new puppy that is the tiniest cutest little thing - the kids were dying.
That is Doug. We had a nice time out on their new deck. Lily taking a selfie (Mel captured that)
K eating cake leftover from Nancy's birthday. 
The rest of the kids playing games - 

Like that "make an animal sound and guess who did it" game. 
It was fun, then home and now I'm jotting this all down. It's been a good day. I could have gone for a little more time at home, but that's ok. Life is good. I'm so grateful to be a mother and that I've been given 13 babies! And I love the wonderful adults they are growing up to be. It's so wonderful to see and be a part of. 

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