Monday, May 13, 2024

FHE - Spoons

We had another successful game night tonight. Three weeks in a row - go us! First was 5000, last week was Pictionary, and tonight we played Spoons. 

We were going to go climbing (the kids only have a few more days to go, we're freezing their accounts because none of them are using it) but then decided going out there would make us too late getting to bed, so we decided on Spoons. (Then we let them finish watching Walter Mitty from last week, so now they we're late to bed cause of that!) Spoons was easy enough to understand and the kids liked it. I'm not sure if we got the rules right, but good enough for our first go around, we'll fine tune it next time. Peter tried his best to be brave even though his eyes were brimming with tears a few times when he didn't get a spoon, but he held it together! But on the following round, I pushed a spoon to him before I grabbed one for myself, and I got an S. The older kids joined me in sacrificing our spoons if he looked sad. He's a cute kid. Melodie has been such an angel to have home. She took the girls to violin today and so I had some free time I wasn't planning on and I cleaned in the basement! The basement is my nemesis. I've been avoiding it the past few months, so winter coats and ski stuff were still all around but I took a bite out of the mess today. Hyrum, who has set up his bed and area downstairs, noticed my work and was appreciative, so that was nice. Corey will be glad next time we go down to get our bikes that we don't have to walk over legos or steer them around toys. I made a path for us to the basement door. We've been keeping both of our bikes in the basement since Corey's got stolen out of our garage last spring. We took a ride up the canyon this morning - the snow was all gone, yay, and the trees that were blocking the trail were all sawed and moved out of the path. We were able to make it all the way to the ruins. Thank you to whoever does that and cleared the path for us!

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