Monday, May 27, 2024

Park City - Memorial Day

We had a nice Memorial Day up in Park City. I've never visited graves on Memorial Day. Corey's sister and dad went by JeNeal's grave and drank V8s and ate Kit Kats. Corey said that he has lots of memories with JeNeal up here at Park City, so he felt this was an appropriate way to remember her. If I had thought of it, I would have brought Lorna Doone cookies for today. Those shortbread cookies remind me of JeNeal, she always had them around (and I was happy to munch on them). I don't have any recollection of going by cemetery's with my parents when I was growing up, or any Memorial Day activities. We should probably start doing better at that though, cause that is the purpose of Memorial Day, right? Not just a day off from school or a time to have bbq's. But, since we did have a day off from school, Corey and I took advantage of it by going on a morning ride. Two moose were at the gate of the path Corey wanted to take. 
Can you see them? We only had to wait for a minute and then they moved down the hill. Corey had eyed this trail on our way back to the hotel after our ride on Saturday - Mother Urban. It was a new trail for us and it was really nice! Had a few snow patches to drag our bikes through and a few fallen avalanche trees to climb over, but it was really good! I'm excited to do it again in July. Took us a little over an hour and a half, 7.82 miles, and then we were back at the room. The kids were all swimming (thanks Abi and Hyrum!) I joined them, Corey went to the lobby to work, and then at noon they had a free Memorial day cookout! Yay, the whole hotel came out for hot dogs, chips, lemonade and a cookie. Yay, processed food. I had three apples, and gave my hot dog to Katharine. She liked that - doing her cheesy grin real hard in this picture, silly girl.
We decided to come eat in the lobby rather than in the sun outside or on the pool deck. 
Then we played some Shuffle board. Katharine wanted a turn. She's cute.
Ethan and Bella came up today. They were ready to chill at the hotel, but we'd done a lot of chilling already, so we gave them a heads up that we actually all wanted to go on a ride after they got here - to leverage their arrival by forcing a group outing. We loaded the bikes and drove over to Deer Valley and just did a few loops on the paved path there around Deer Pond. 
Good job us, we got the kids out of the hotel - ✓ . I rode around with K riding shotgun on my bike. She likes bike riding, it was cute. We bribed the kids with smores if there was no complaining on the outing, and they all did good, so Ethan went and picked up that on the way back to the hotel affter the forced outing. Then we said they could be lazy in the pool for the rest of the day if they wanted. We all went out - even Corey and I.
And even LILY, who has been working on writing an epic story or something. 

When she become a famous published author, I hope she'll forgive us for any grief we gave her. We're just trying to make sure her passion is bridled and balanced with some sunshine and physical activity! She has been using my orange lobster neck thing cause she's been developing a bit of a tech neck from all her drawing and writing. I feel like I hunch over too - we all could improve our posture. I just sat up straighter as I type this. Maybe I'll get a posture corrector, hmm. After hot tubbing, the kids roasted smore, then back to the room for one more family bonding activity. We looked through trailers for a while. We wanted something new, but shows kept getting vetoed. Finally we settled on a recommendation from Bella and we all watched "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"
Well, they are still watching it. Corey and I are tapping out - it's 11pm. We had to ditch the fun cause we are going to go on one more ride in the morning before we check out. Corey asked for a late check out, so we have until 11. That's plenty of time for a ride! Yay. 

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