Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Teddy Bear

I got a big smile from seeing Natalie and Katharine this morning when I went to wake up N for school - haha...

Natalie took my licking for me! She is such a good big sister. I don't mind K kicking my back, but I don't do feet in my face or legs around my neck. Katharine, Natalie really loves you!

On Monday morning up at Park City, Corey was in the sauna and I was snuggling with Katharine and not really feeling like getting out of bed. I enjoy snuggling with her. She has been sleeping well, so I slept fine, and I was a little worried she'd wake up if I moved, so I had to be careful... She likes to be tucked under my arm kinda in my armpit... I took a quick picture.

She's my little teddy bear. Then I was able to put a rice bag behind her in place of my arm, and then I rolled over and put a pillow on her head... I made my escape and she kept sleeping, so we went on our ride on Mother Urban. Repeated that yesterday and she was asleep until 9:30 am yesterday and was jus waking up as we got back from our ride! Quick note about our ride yesterday - I thought we could do that again but Corey said let's try something new, but we couldn't decide and then I just said let's do Armstrong, cause the Park City Trails Map said it was open. So we did that - went up Armstrong and then did HAM - there was some snow blocking the trail on both of those, but it was good, and THEN we took a new trail - instead of turning left for Spiro, we went up a little bit to Seldom Seen, and we didn't know what to expect but figured it was just more of the normal Park City trails, but THIS TRAIL was so fun! It was like Rush! So so fun, wow!  It is a new trail as of last year. I don't think I even noticed the sign last year, I'm surprised we hadn't heard anything about it from anyone. It was awesome. I'm excited to do it again when we come to Park City, we'll have to make sure Joseph comes on it. We loved it. Only bad news was that Corey's air pod case fell out of his pocket somewhere on the trail, I'm guessing on Seldom Seen cause there were lots of hills and rolls and someday we'll be able to do the jumps, ha, but for now, we were just going fast and yeah, he lost his case. Doh. He was glad the car keys didn't fall out. I posted on a mountain biking facebook group and maybe someone will spot them. So after we got back, some kids were playing foosball, others were watching Sponge Bob, then we hurried and packed and came home. Kids were all lazy most of the day here but we all eventually kicked it in gearI took NOD to school late (around lunch time) and by evening LSNODP all got Blue's, Abi didn't finish her stuff, we need to not allow her to not do it. Little kids had a water fun field day today and then school is out on tomorrow, then we'll make our plan of attack for summer. We'll have to change some things on the list, but I think we'll keep it at 12 things (probably up reading from 20 min to 45 or an hour, have them do extra chores, like 10 min in basement, in place of homework. 

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