Saturday, July 13, 2024

Picking Apricots

Corey and I did a ride in Corner Canyon this morning. We left kinda late, and we did Clarks, and I kinda hate Clarks, cause it's just a climb with NO breaks for 20 minutes, but we did it and I got a PR today, so yay that's good I guess, but I do hate it. Then we did Rush down and called it good - done in 40 minutes. Abi Lily and Sophi had a brunch with the Young Women in our ward today. After they got back, I loaded the car with the kids and they each got a big bowl, and we went over to pick apricots from a neighbor who texted that they have a tree full of ripe apricots ready for picking.

The kids started climbing the tree, but it seemed a little brittle and I didn't want us to break the branches, so we were cautious. Natalie did a pretty good job climbing and picking, but confessed that it hurt her feet. The rest of the kids used some ladders the the neighbor's had out. 
It was a HOT day again, but it was good to be outside. And we got like 5 bowls of apricots, and ate a lot of them right off the tree. 
Katharine liked sampling all of them. She'd take a bite, then put it back in the bowl, grab another one, take a bite, repeat... 
So then after we got home I had to hurry and serve those up. Warm soft apricots go bad quickly. I had a bowl of hard tart ones that I put in the fridge, and we tried to eat the rest of them. I might need to get a food dryer thing, cause then I could made fruit leather and stuff like that. After we got back, kids were recovering from the heat. I was upstairs working on reunion stuff most of the day (trying to make sure the people in our '94 facebook group are not marked as "lost") and as I was doing that, Peter came in and was spinning himself around on the chair as he asked rapid fired deep questions of the universe ~
“Why do we have imaginations?”
“Mom, what makes you cry?”
“Why is alcohol in some foods?”
“How do babies talk to how we talk when they grow up?”
He's so cute. I went to the Draper temple for initiatories at 6:30, and other than that I've been working on reunion stuff and slightly hating it, took me a few hours, I have a lot of other things I'd rather be doing and need to do... I'm probably doing too thorough of a job, and don't need to do everything I'm doing, but sometimes can't stop myself. I finished all the A-B surnames, every other letter is assigned out to different people, so I'm done with my part unless I decide to help other people with their sections. K but I'm going to bed now. Need to go read my scriptures too. 

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