Friday, July 12, 2024

Wedding Pictures!

Joseph sent us the link to his and Eliza's wedding photos today, so I have a new cover photo on my fb of our family ~

Our family picture with Wes is still my profile pic - cause I need Wesley in our family. Everyone cheering for the bride and groom!

Joseph getting a hug from his little brothers - 

I think Joseph and Eliza must have practiced this dip and kiss move, cause they had it perfected!

It's been fun to look through them all! We have so many blessings in our life, and there are 14 of them right there. 

Corey and I with the bride and groom - 

Joseph and Eliza with Wayne - 

And my parents - 

With all the Hibberts and Wrides - 

And just Wrides ~

...and Hibberts ~

So yeah, it's been fun looking through these! I need to print up some for the wall. Man, I still haven't done anything with our family photos last year, or Ethan and Bella's photos... other than update my facebook with them. And blog them. I need to put them on the wall though. I've been doing a good job cleaning. I cleaned out the garage today! I haven't been shopping for a few weeks, and we've been using all the frozen stuff in the fridges. I was able to move everything from the fruit fridge into the veggie fridge and clean out the fruit fridge, then I turned it back on and moved all the food into there - so today I cleaned out the veggie fridge and the box freezer. I put the box freezer outside and let the ice stuck at the bottom all melt out in the 100 degree weather. I couldn't put it back until I swept underneath where it was, and so I did that and ended up sweeping the whole garage and it looks really good now. So good job me. I wasn't planning on doing that today but I'm glad I did. The fridges were both very nasty. I don't think I've ever cleaned them out. All clean now. I haven't turned then back on cause we don't need them yet, I think I will after I got to Costco, but it's been a few weeks since I went. I'm hoping to continue with some of that cleaning energy and attack the basement. I really need to. Another good job me is that I stayed up until 1:30 last night and I finished blogging February, yay. Corey and I went out to Scelto tonight for dinner. It was a new place for us, I think it just opened. Didn't quite hit the spot... Corey said the taste, the portion sizes, and the price let him know it won't be a regular for us (aka more of a Charleston or La Caille experience). On our date, we were able to talk a little bit about what we are going to do for the open house for Joseph and Eliza, that is in two weeks. We're going to have company then, so yea, gotta get the house clean. I'm hoping last minute panic sets in soon. 

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