Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The House: Episode 2

I'm up late again. Been working on finding "lost eagles" from our Senior class of 1994. I finished going through all the A-C Mon - Tues, today I did D-G. There are a lot of H's missing, so I'll wait on that one until tomorrow. Actually I have a lot of other stuff to do, I should prob wait on reunion stuff until after the open house. I can do it at Park City maybe.  I need to order the food for the open house... I'm struggling making a decision, there are too many options, I need someone with a strong opinion to help me! So that's what I did and didn't do today. And Sophi and Natalie had violin lessons. Daniel, Peter and Katharine came along too. Not much else to report, other than a new family video treasure is done, the first of five.  Last year Ethan decided to make a sequel to "The House" video he made of our family experience during covid. For this sequel, he filmed a lot over Christmas break, but as his creative juices started flowing, he added on several weekends of filming, and pushed his self imposed deadline to our anniversary. But he wasn't quite satisfied with the finished product at that point, so he kept filming and editing and thought it could be a birthday gift to me, then mothers day... He had a world premier in June, and NOW the wait is finally over. It is really finished. It has turned into an 8 month labor of love, thanks for this treasure Ethan! Link here (Ughh... I was able view it on my phone but but my laptop computer won't let me see it for some dumb reason, I can't take it off of restricted mode... ok, now I'm down at the family desktop, got the code to embed the video, ok got it...) enjoy ~ Episode 2 (1 of 5)

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