Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Hello hello. Trying to get stuff done around here. I'm doing probably a below average job on my own (C- grade) although last night we had a great FHE in my opinion. We did what I wanted for my birthday and mother's day and every Saturday of my life - we cleaned the basement together! Cleaning basement together = quality time = my love language. I said it was family service, and they played with legos while I tried to clear off tables and Corey put away ski stuff. Kids were totally fine with it, and we were able to talk as we cleaned, and Corey didn't have to hold Katharine. We made significant progress in 1 hour together, enough that it would have taken me two days on my own, and now you can actually move around down there freely. Today I put away the blow up mattress that we still had out for the college kids, cause they aren't going to be here for atleast a week, and I hate pulling our bikes around it in the mornings. Better to move it out of the way and let the college kids blow it up again when they get here. Joseph and Eliza left yesterday morning for their honeymoon in Costa Rica. Melodie is in South Korea with a BYU music group, Hyrum is at FSY in Provo. I'm up a bit late trying to catch up on life cause I'm busy all day, and now I'm wasting time, but I found this instagram reel that made me laugh...
Yesterday and today Corey was at home all day... Corey has said that when he stays home to work or gets a late start leaving here, that it's usually not a good day for him. And I told him it's the same for me - like I can't relax when he is here even if he's in his office, cause kids might hear him and go bug him, so I have to keep them away... I tend to be in a funk after a day like that (although I might relax a bit too much when he's gone, haha.) So I thought it was funny that her facial expression and words expressed what might be happening here: I want to be unproductive in peace! lol. 

Today I went to lunch with my sister Jersh, which I've never done, it was nice! (I texted Corey in his office to let him know that Natalie was in charge). We had some Vietnamese food from a restaurant that is close to the office where she works. It was quite good! Pho - I want to learn how to make that. I was inspired, going to try and give some rice bowls a go, after I go shopping. I still haven't gone to Costco, it's been like 4 weeks! We're still trying to use up some of our food storage, and I'm making a good list of stuff to get. I'll be going maybe this week, definitely before the open house next Saturday, and Park City the day after that. A big to do that I meant to do today but still didn't finish was to order food for wedding open house. I'm having trouble making a decision, too many options. I've also been working too much on our 30 year reunion stuff, working on finding classmates. I've told my kids to never run for senior class office. Too late for Ethan, but I can save the rest of my kids from this obligation. And now a text just came from Ethan (it's 11:50 pm) saying that the House 2 is uploading, set to premier at midnight! I'll prob watch for a little bit and stretch, but I should go to bed.... but at night I finally get to be unproductive in peace, haha. Funny that I tell myself that I'm finally going to get to my list of tasks, but I've just been wasting time. Ok, goodnight. 

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