Saturday, November 23, 2024

Blue Note Big Band Concert

Last night Corey and I went out to India House for our date around 7. Date nights have been after 7 for  the past few months cause Lily is in a band that rehearses on Fridays from 4 - 6 in American Fork. Corey takes her there so yeah, our date nights have been pushed back. But it's good, and Corey enjoys the time visiting with Lily in the car too. Today she had a concert at the Orem Summerhays."Musicfest Pro-Band 2024" featuring the Blue Note Big Band. Corey took her there, and Mel, Ethan, and Bella all came to see Lily. (Older siblings are so nice to be so supportive of their younger siblings)

They were supposed to wear black with a touch of blue, and Lily was thinking of dying her hair blue, but ended up not getting that done in time. So she was just all black. She really enjoyed it and Corey said it was good. 

I tried to do a ride up the trail today, but it was too warm (high 50s, low 60s) so it was all slushy. Plus a lot of wind. So I took the road, I got to just past avalanche hill then came back home. It's supposed to snow tonight.

And other than that, yeah, it was a normal weekend. I had a good session reading the Book of Mormon this morning. Did you know Deshret is the name of the Egyptian southern kingdom? And their kingdom's crown was a symbol of a bee stinger and a probiscis? This insight was shared in the Follow Him Podcast, part 1 at 1:03 referring to Ether 2:3 ~
So cool. Kristal Pierce's comments: "I love the idea that the Jaredites, they fit perfectly into the ancient Near East. What are they going to take? What do they want to start? I mean, they're basically starting life over again. They're going to take what they know is the foundation of life, and then we get the bees. Then we have the bees, which is fascinating. Of course, the most important role of bees is pollination; if they're bringing these seeds and things, and these bees... But also they use bees, the honey and the wax for food, to make tablets to write on, cosmetics, adhesive, medicine, waterproofing, paint. They were using bees and beeswax for so many different things. Now, it's great because Moroni tells us; he gives us a little bit of a glimpse into their language. He says they carried with them deseret. He gives us this word, and he says, "This means honeybee." 01:04:23 Some people have tied this to the Egyptian word deshret. This word in Egypt, it refers to several different things, but a specific part of Egypt symbolized by a certain crown and symbolized by a bee; the word deshret is related to this. The Lower Egypt, the crown that goes with it, that's called the deshret, has a stinger on it and also has a proboscis, which is that little straw to get the nectar out of the plants. We know at this period of time, people in Mesopotamia were not keeping bees. They weren't beekeepers, but the people in Egypt were. I love this idea that the Jaredites came into contact with the Egyptians, got beekeeping technology from them, and maybe even borrowed a word from Egyptian to talk about what they were doing with these bees and this idea of deseret and deshret so that they could take these because they knew the importance of bees. Even if, at that point, they weren't keeping them themselves. It fits so perfectly into the ancient Near East." Amazing

My friend Elisabeth's baby, Joseph, is still on life support and very weak. They were hoping he'd be strong enough to take him off this weekend, but now are praying for Monday. Elisabeth's MIL, Tina, is also in our ward, and yesterday texted me about how she was trying to line up some cleaners to come help her at home, since they are gone at the hospital so much. But Tina hadn't gotten anything lined up yet, and asked if we could help? I told her we could totally do that, and I sent out some texts this morning and a small group of friends was available. So Caroline and I arrived at 1:30, Kirstin and Stacey came next, and we got their house a little after 1:30 and cleaned until 4. The house was so clean for them when they got back. It felt great to help out. Elisabeth said she's totally up for doing a cleaning rotation between houses, ha! I'd love that too - get together with friends and clean and visit, sounds like a win win win. 

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