Monday, November 25, 2024

Candy Turkeys

We've been having violin every other week so far this year, so I am enjoying the free time that gives me a little bit. Today, since Sophi and Natalie came home, I was able to go on a ride up to the ruins. I like biking in the snow. Cold, but quiet and beautiful. It's good cold therapy. 

We made Oreo Turkey's tonight for FHE. 

I'd rather that our FHE didn't always include a big dose of refined sugar, but oh well. It's not a battle I'm winning at the moment. 
Abi went to the store and bought candy corn, oreos, mini Reese's peanut butter cups, and Whoppers. 
These are the turkey's that JeNeal introduced the kids to and that they've made at Thanksgiving up at Park City for many years. So we'll do it in her honor.
Each of the kids made two turkeys, and then promptly ate both of them. Except for Peter! He ate one and is saving the other one for school tomorrow. He is in bed and had his turkey waiting for him on the side of his bed.
I also still smile over all of his bed decor. It's quite the display of paper and toys and other stuff that a 5 year old likes. Cute kid. I'm impressed he had the will power to wait! His older siblings could learn some self control from him. Katharine played with stickers today. She felt very pretty with them all over her face. 
Katharine you're so cute! We're glad that tomorrow is the last day of school for this week! We're looking forward to the Thanksgiving break.

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