Saturday, November 30, 2024

Hurricane Rim

Corey and I are back from our night away. This morning we went out to breakfast at Cubbys. Corey ordered a fruit french toast plate and I had a quinoa black bean bowl. Then we went by to see if The Joint had a long line or not (Corey's looking for help for his back pain) and there was a line, so he'll go next week when we're back at home. Then we left St. George and headed to Hurricane for another ride. We went to the JEM Trailhead, and it looked busy on cowbell, so we went down along Dead Ringer. That was a bit terrifying. Felt like we were riding along the sides of a cliff, and when we drove by on the freeway and looked at where we were afterwards, we were impressed with ourselves cause it WAS a very steep looking side of a cliff! It was all new exploration today, but next time we'll stay on JEM and cowbell, cause we missed all the downhill parts and the view from the top of the cliffs, cause Dead Ringer took us along the cliff sides and to the bottom of the cliffs right at the beginning. You live and learn. We did get back on JEM and took that flat trail across to Chinatown and then the Hurricane Rim. It was a nice view over there down to the Virgin River. I took a pic of Corey - 

Then he took one of me. 
It was cool! When I saw the trail name "Hurricane Rim" I thought we would be up higher like on Gooseberry's north rim, but the Hurricane Rim is next to a gorge, so that's why it's a rim, but we were already on the top when we parked. I guess there is not a trail up at the top of the cliffs I saw. The only trail I see online is gooseberry. We should have taken JEM or Cowbell on our way out, not dead ringer. We couldn't take JEM on the way back, cause it was downhill only. I thought on the way back we would be going downhill, but it was uphill, so we had to go south to Dead ringer on the return. It's all good. I think if we ride this before out flight out to Florida next month, I think the kids would like and could do Cowbell, so we'll see if we explore this again then. 

Back at home, Mel and Hyrum took good care of the kids. Wayne treated them all to an afternoon at the movies. 
They all went out to see "The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever". Corey and I ate Lucy Apples on the drive home, and got home around 7. The kids have been playing the Wii, Mel said K has been driving her crazy today being a bit bossy, and since we've taken the past 36 hours off, I guess I better go be present and help out a little bit here! 

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