Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tiny is Home!

Last night, when I should have been in bed, instead I was on facebook marketplace. I'm not sure what inspired me to look for Tiny again, but I had been browsing for it the past few days. Oh wait, I know what it was... a lady on the local community page asked for a Halloweeen costume, a mermaid one I think, that she had gotten for her daughter that her daughter has worn every day and it's already rags, she said "I know it's a long shot, but if anyone picked one up and wants to sell it to me..." and I think that was what made me think of Tiny again. Cause I bought it at the local Walgreens, I'm positive there were a few there, and probably more at other different Walgreens locations here in the valley. I thought maybe I could ask on facebook "Hey, does anyone have a plush dinosaur like this?? Can I buy it off of you?" 

Then I thought: "Before you go ask on the local facebook page, why don't you first first take a look in the local market where people are already selling..." So it's 11:30 at night, I looked, I googled "plush dinosaur" "Stuffed dinosaur" "Dinosaur toys" "dinosaur plush walgreens" etc etc. I've been doing this online and on ebay for months. Last year when we lost Tiny the first time after Thanksgiving, I googled it and didn't find anything. I filled out "lost item" reports with the Marriott Mountainside, but thankfully that time we found him a few days later, "False alarm! We actually packed him!" I started searching ebay again in February, using the same variation of search words, sometimes adding "green" "Brachiosaurus" or "large". Yet for the past 10 months, I've never seen an online image of a dinosaur like Peter's "Tiny", until... TONIGHT! When I saw this...
And THAT WAS HIM!!! It looked like him and I verified by zooming in and checked fabric texture and patterns and the eyes and mouth compared to old photos we had with Peter, oh my gosh I found a Tiny!! It was 11:30 pm but I texted the lady, she replied right away, asked when I wanted to come and get it, and thought about saying "now?" since she replied right now, but instead I said I could come tomorrow (today) and then I was so excited I couldn't fall asleep. Luckily (?) Abi was still awake so I went in and shared with her my good luck. Katharine was awake too (it was past midnight now). Abi had just given K a makeover with red red lipstick 
...and painted her nails. So Abi shared in my joy. I still was not tired (mostly cause I had gotten very tired around 7:30 when I was reading to Peter and I had to escape for a 20 min power nap in my closet). Then went and told Lily, who was also still awake. She said I should give it to Peter for Christmas. "WHAT!?!? I don't want to wait THAT long!!" I'm still wide awake, starting to think of getting Tiny tomorrow and when do I give it to Peter... I should go to bed, even if I'm not tired, so I did what I tell the kids to do: "Just lay down and close your eyes. Even if you can't fall asleep, your body is still resting." And then I didn't think about Tiny until 5pm tonight.... I took Abi to a friends house (they were going to the German Market at This is the Place Park) and so after dropping her off, I texted the lady that I could come anytime. She sent me her address, in Draper, 44 min away (cause it was 5 oclock traffic) but I headed out. Got there at 6:20, and $3 bucks later, I have Tiny in the car with me. 

I sent messages to the college kids, telling them this story of loss and return. I shared with them what was my new dilemma... Do I give it to Peter tonight? Do I wait for Christmas? Christmas here? Christmas in Florida? For his birthday? Or, we have the ward Party tomorrow, and Santa is coming... maybe I could have Santa give it to Peter? I sent those options in separate texts, so Wes could "like" the one he wanted me to do. I told him I'd gives his vote the most weight. Today was/is Wayne's b-day, and Wes used that as an excuse to send us a quick voice message: "I don't really care as much about the date, but I just want you to stress that Tiny has finally come home from his mission." Brilliant! I should have listened to Wesley's next message, where he suggested getting ties and a Book of Mormon, but I was too busy getting the delivery in place for tonight. I took Peter and talked to him for a bit. "I wonder what happened to Tiny? Maybe he'll come back for Christmas or something." Peter "I want him to come back today." "Today! I bet God can make that happen..." We talked about how last time we found him in a backpack, so Peter and Natalie went to look for him in the backpacks in the basement, and I went up into our bedroom to get my and Corey's old missionary tags...
I used the second brachiosaur as Tiny's companion. Gave them both name tags, peeked inside and gave Sophi my phone, told them to call for Peter to come up, then I waited and watched through the window... when I saw Peter, I gave a quick knock on the door...

And now we've been doing a "Tiny is home" photo shoot with Peter... "Now take a picture of me hugging them!" 

"take another picture... take another picture"

Now take a picture of us eating..." 

Etc etc etc...
The three Tiny's joined us for scriptures. 
Katharine had just finished a bath and was in her pink towel, which Natalie turned into a dress, and then Natalie did her hair...
Katharine was feeling pretty fancy.
But not fancy enough... let's get some scrunchies and bows in that hairdo!
There we go... now we're talkin'
So fancy Katharine! The most beautiful girl.
(I was impressed it was staying vertical) So, that's my Tiny story. I feel victorious that Tiny has returned. I'm very pleased. It was good to have a victory, cause other things are feeling like a sludge, mostly the car situation. We spent some time with that this morning - we went to Tanner's Transmissions and called Freeway Transmission on our way there, Tanner said the car is not there, it was at "the plant" so we went to the Tanner downtown, which is where Mario at Freeway said it migth be. Talked to a new guy there, Blaine, which Corey said seemed competent. Blaine said our car is at Sandy, but the transmission is at the plant, which is not the downtown place. It's just a mess. I wish we hadn't gone to Tanner. Corey's admitted that, could we go back in time, the best thing would have been to drive the Pilot back home and taken the van from here and waited until Monday to see what to do, but he was hoping it would/could be looked at and fixed while we were in St. George and we'd have it back on Monday. So, this is a good learning experience. It's our first time having to have a transmission replaced. Burt Brothers recommended Freeway and said Mario is phenomenal, and had we taken it there too, I'm guessing they would have told us it was something much smaller and we did not need the whole transmission changed, but since Tanner took it apart right away, they for sure ruined it and we  are stuck with them now. I took a bike ride this afternoon for some personal therapy to cope with the situation. (The frost on the snow was amazing!)
Probably going to be $6000-$9000. Right now we almost $2000 in with Tanner. Corey signed for "$695 to take apart and inspect, and we asked what if we want them to not do any work on it, he said we'd have to pay for them to put it back together, which I'm guessing is another $700? If we take it to Freeway now, they gave us a quote off of the VIN number that it will be $6800 with them for a new transmission, which again we probably didn't actually need except that Tanner ruined it so now we do. Tanner just tells us they are looking for parts. The customer service has been pretty non-existent. They have not called us, despite several times telling us they will call us by Monday or later today, then when they don't we've called them on Tuesday, or the next day. Not happy, but there are things we can learn from this experience. Trying to be kind, patient, and trust in God, even though we aren't prepared for this expense, esp around Christmas, yay. Gosh it feels like we're going through something like this every Christmas. We did get the dryer fixed, and after 3 weeks of crunchy clothes, the kids are grateful for warm soft clothes from the dryer. So on Sunday the sink food disposal was leaking. I haven't called to get it fixed. Corey asked why, I reminded him of the dryer and waiting for that... "So this is an exercise in appreciation?" Yes, that. And after 8+ months of waiting for Tiny, we are really enjoying having him around again. 

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