Today was not a day of rest for me, it was a day of activity. But I was busy with good things, so that is good. I woke the girls up early to make sure they got to the church at 8 to go downtown with the youth for "Music and the Spoken Word" with the Tabernacle Choir at Orchestra Temple Square. Then I woke up the rest of the kids and got them ready and myself and packed the car. I packed it up with everything that I could remember that we would need for the rest of the day: 3 dishes of desserts, fruit, white elephant gifts, violins, concert clothes for S&N, clothes and shoes to chill in for ALSN, etc... We headed out at 9:30. I had NODPK in the van with me. We headed north up to Layton for Connor's homecoming message. Corey took Joseph and Eliza's car and picked up ALS from downtown. We were thinking "seems like we were just here?" I looked up to see when Sam's farewell was - it was 3 months ago, but the months go by quickly, so it also seemed like just barely. We stayed for both hours of church. Peter was a little shy about staying for the second hour, but he did great.

He's so sweet, just a tender little boy. The Relief Society and Young Women joined together, and this is the only time RS and YW are meeting in December (on the 22nd it is only sacrament meeting) so the organization leaders were ready with Christmas gifts for everyone. They had the same ornaments that we were giving out today in our ward, and they also had little totes (we didn't take those, I knew they prob only had enough for their own ward members) but we did take part in the big 'ol cinnamon rolls and fruit platters that they brought to serve to the sisters. My girls were excited about that and were suddenly glad that we were staying for both hours. After church (good discussion on
Sister Browning's Seeking Answers talk) and then we went to Neil and Amy's for a visit. It was 12:30, we had a party near Payson starting at 2, so we kinda watched the clock, but also didn't want to just eat and run, so we stayed for almost an hour. We gave hugs and left at 1:20 for our 70 minute drive. This was the 3rd annual Christmas gathering with Corey's cousins on his mom's side. It was a Hawaiian Christmas in
2022 and Candy Cane theme
last year, but I don't have pics here from 2023 cause I didn't go last year. So that was nice of me to let him have his turn taking the day off today. After visiting the Layton Hibberts, Corey went home with Lily; Ethan and Bella took NOD; I had MASPK, and we headed south to Utah County. This years theme was "groovy" but I didn't put any effort into supporting the theme this year, since we were just coming from church. But I did bring cookies from Abi and zebra popcorn and grapes from Costco. We ate dinner, visited, Owen was excited to watch a silent football game on the tv...

After everyone had eaten enough, we gathered and played Lucky Dice (similar to Bank) and then everyone went on a hayride.
I stayed back and visited with Wayne. Bella sent these pics - the sky looked amazing!
Everyone wearing their "groovy" sunglasses that Karalee got for everyone.
The hay ride was probably the highlight of the event.
Even if it was cold and smelled like farm animals. Mel and Abi going Vogue, and Katharine being cute.
She was very happy with her PINK glasses!
(Bella takes great photos!) Back at the house -

Then it was the gift exchange. Peter was the second one to open a gift, he got a pink toaster and looked quite sad about it. Owen was next and he got a dinosaur. I let Peter know the game, how he could steal someone's gift, but then we realized his gift would have to be stolen first... Katharine, do you want a toaster? As we were plotting how to help Peter get a better prize, Owen, of his own initiative, went over to Peter and asked him if he wanted to trade. Peter quickly accepted Owen's dinosaur. Owen then went and sat down and said “Yes! Pink! My favorite color!” haha. Owen, that was really nice of you to do that for Peter!
We left about the same time as everyone else. Mel, Ethan & Bella headed back to Provo. Abi drove Wayne in his car (he doesn't like to drive in the dark) and I drove SNODPK to Holladay. Sophi and Natalie had to be there at 6:30 for violin and trumpet Christmas concert. They changed in the car as I drove. I had forgotten to pack Owen's trumpet, but Corey got hit at home and brought it out and joined us.
Wayne and Nancy came too.
It was a good concert, like last year. Corey thought it was good that we got 3 kids taken care of with one concert. Sophi, Natalie, Owen - check check check.
After the concert - smile for dad!
Good job Owen!
The kids were mostly excited for the food after. NOT that they hadn't eaten ALL DAY already, sheesh. I'm glad that I brought more than was asked of me, cause my kids took more than they should have. Daniel - caught in his gluttony.

Kids will be kids? I'd love to have them unlearn this hoarding of sugary treats. There is a Relief Society cookie exchange this week on Tuesday, but I don't think I want to go, cause I don't want more sugar in our house! I guess I could go and just not take or bring home treats, but they'd probably insist I take some even if I don't bring any "cause you have a lot of kids..." This stuff isn't good for us tho. I totally overate today. I hope I can get a handle on myself and won't go through the whole holiday like this. But the treats are a part of the celebrations I guess. It was a good and long day of celebrating. I'm glad it's over though. I told Corey that I was ok taking the hit today if it would mean he was able to fill his cup. I think it worked. He really enjoyed the quiet house! I told him all I need to have my cup filled is spent time climbing with him! So we're going at 6am tomorrow to do top rope, yay! and with that I'll sign off, good night!
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