Sunday, September 8, 2024

Farewell to Sam

We spent most of our Sunday afternoon up in Layton at my brother's house. We left home around 9:30 to go make it in time to their 10:30 church, where we were going to hear Sam Hibbert give a talk in church before he starts his mission tomorrow. His brother Connor is serving a mission in Columbia, and will be back in November, so they are going to miss each other! I know how that goes. It's all good. Sam will be doing home MTC for a little bit then going to the MTC in Provo for more training, and then off to the Peru Limatambo Mission! I do want to go visit Peru someday. (I think that's the land of the Book of Mormon) I want to go visit. Part of why I'm convinced is research complied by Del Dowdell - go look at the Nephicode Blog, fun stuff. 

So church was very nice. Sam sounds like he has a strong testimony and a good idea of what he's getting himself into, and that's all that most missionaries need to survive the first few months until you get the hang of it and catch the fire of missionary work. We stayed for the second hour. The kids all went to Primary, and Mel and I offered to help in Nursery. Then we all headed over to Neil's. My parents had to hurry back to SL, and I somewhat reluctantly asked my mom about Sophi's birthday, cause she didn't come by and that was fine, but she didn't text either letting me know what her plan was. She was shocked and must not have had it on her desk calendar. She felt bad, which I did not want to happen, but she'll be by later. They have a crazy week of work because of an audit, and then on Friday they are going to Indiana for another grandson Nate's farewell (he's coming to serve his mission in Utah, in Saratogra Springs!) and then the weekend after that they will be in Texas for Grant's baby's blessing. so they'll be by for Sophi and Daniel sometime after Sept 30. Totally fine. So they headed to SL and we went to Neils and had a taco salad lunch, cookies, danced, played some spikeball and other games with their family - Bank. Sam and I were high rollers. I banked once, Sam never did. Neither of us won. Kids continuing to dance outside. Katharine leading the class, ha!

We stayed for a few hours. Visiting in the front room. People took turns playing piano and we'd sing. Abi, Mel, Lily, Bella, and Corey holding Katharine who was getting in a quick nap before the drive home.

So one funny moment from our time chillin' in Neil's front room: Corey and I were sitting by each other, holding hands, and I let go, and for some reason Sophi grabbed Corey's hand, and he didn't notice. I had my left hand around his shoulder, had my right hand covering my face from laughter, and apparently with my third hand I was holding his hand. Pretty funny. Made me cry with laughter. Soon the kids noticed what was going on but Corey hadn't, so he was wondering if he had something in his hair. 

I was mean and didn't let him in on the joke, but he eventually figured it out. 
Sophi's got a cute smile. Funny funny. He was glad that she grabbed his hand and it wasn't him grabbing hers. Funny Sophi. These kids are fun and clever.
It was nice to hang out a little bit with the Hibberts! Good luck Sam!

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