Tuesday, September 10, 2024

New Car & Toys

Hyrum has been searching for a while, and today was the day when the stars finally aligned. Wayne drove Hyrum up to Logan where Hyrum bought a new car!

It's a 2013 Subaru Impreza, Manual, AWD, wagon, Gray color. He's pretty happy, and we all think it looks like a great car for him! Will help him be able to manage the snow in Rexburg hopefully. The only sad part was going from feeling so rich to so poor, as he paid cash for this. It's all good Hyrum. This is an important step of you becoming an independent soul, good job. 

We had visitors over for dinner tonight - Angela and Gabriel and their three girls. Talking at the table while they visit ~

I wasn't there for most of the dinner cause I was at my Emotional Resilience class. It was good, kids were good. I had to walk down there cause Abi had the car, but then she came and picked them up. 

Peter has been doing great at his chore board, and I made two places for Owen and Daniel, so they can follow Peter's example and do all of their tasks too. 

Lily has started a little side hustle making little "book" earrings. 

I don't know how she's made them, I haven't asked, but I think she's done a great job and they are super cute! I don't think she's selling any at the moment, just making them for her friends as little gifts/surprises.

We are one week home from the sibling sleepover, and I'm sad to report that Daniel's Teddy is still missing. He got lost sometime on Labor day when they were all down at Ethan and Bella's. I think it might be rolled up in a sleeping bag, but Hyrum said they packed those away early in the morning, and D was playing with is after they had cleaned those up. So, who knows if Teddy will show up, but if he doesn't, atleast Daniel won't be alone because Tiny is missing too. He went missing for a month, then we found him and then poof I have no idea what became of him. 

I don't know if Peter took him to Brian Head? I have no idea. I can't believe we can lose such a big stuffed animal. Peter is taking it well. We found a cute and even tiny-er stuffed brachiosaurus at the DI, and he was Tiny's stuffed animal "tiny" for a while, until big Tiny got lost, so now Tiny is the only Tiny around here. I guess I might need to go get Daniel and new little teddy. It's kinda sand to lose toys. I was trying to find a picture of Teddy here on the blog, I'm sure I have one, but I don't know what it would be under. I remember buying Teddy once at Walmart in American Fork, I think, when I was waiting for kids to finish music at the Sound House. Tiny toddler Daniel grabbed him and didn't let him go throughout the entire store, so I figured D was serious that he did like this toy, so we got it. Maybe we'll find it. I'll let you know if he turns up in the sleeping bags. Katharine has two favorite toys - her "baby" and the Dalmatian dog (that one was almost lost! Was MIA for a month and a half). Here is "baby" ~
Katharine is a very good mother to her baby, and giggles and coos at her when she sees her baby. 
I totally laughed at this Nate Bargatze video that I found as I went on a walk last Wednesday- minute 17 about marriage and children and how men are not prepared for it, compared to girls! "So you're a baby, and they give you a baby.... you don't even know you're alive yet, and they're like "Look, I would probably start figuring this out..." SO FUNNY. Katharine, you are well on your way! Good girl, you are a good little mother.

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