Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Almost Back to School Routine

School is back in session, but we're not quite back to our regular routines. Owen stayed home sick yesterday and today. We watched a lot of Bluey. Mel and Hyrum were here yesterday and left today. Yesterday with Mel here I was able to sneak away for a bike ride. The snow is getting deeper. I only made it up to the coalpit area.

I made a snow angel.

Today I went to the temple at 5 am, then home for carpool. Hyrum left this morning for Idaho. He's such a pleasure to have around. He's my model citizen child,  cause he hearkens to all my silly advice and ideas. He took a bag of wheat and walnuts and raisins up to school! 

I told him if he eats wheat berries for breakfast and walnuts and raisins for lunch, his meals for the next 6 weeks are taken care of with just these three bags of food. Easy and cost effective! Not like all the hassle over food that we had to deal with in Florida and ever other vacation. Like how did the Jaredites live for 344 days in their boats? And we think we can barely survive week to week without going to Costco. There's gotta be an easier way. Anyway, those are some of my ideas which make me drag my feet over food expectations around here. Sometimes the kids act like they are the nobility of Downton Abbey, and after their little excursions playing croquet, there needs to be a fancy meal hot and ready for them on the lawn. 

So Hyrum left us this morning bright and early. Melodie left later this afternoon after sticking around for me to go climbing. 
Katharine was sad and said "I want Mel..." (I thought she was saying she wanted milk but looked a little too sad to just be talking about milk...)

Yes, little ones, I'm afraid it's back to just the 8 of us. Natalie's made a step up in her church class - she's in the young women's organization now! She was excited to get her temple recommend on Sunday, and tonight she went to the temple with Abi and Sophi.
She's all grown up and glad to be done with Primary and part of the Young Women now.
Snuggling during scriptures.

Beka came over and helped me clean tonight. She was a miracle worker again (saved me from my reality several times in 2023) And then we played a game of Great Dalmuti with Owen, Daniel, and Peter. Peter was coughing in her face for a bit. I'm hoping any germs from him aren't worse than what her husband is already exposed to as a jr. high school teacher? (Beka, I'm going to call you in a week to see if we got you sick...) Owen seems to finally be feeling better, so we'll plan on him going to school tomorrow. Maybe we'll almost be back to our school routine.

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