Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Owen got up for school today, then thought he was going to throw up, so he stayed home for a little bit. Corey put on some football highlights until he calmed down and then I took him to school late. I'm glad he's better. My cough seems to be a bit lingering but I think all of us are mostly healed. Today was a busy day. I planned Peter's party, he's having a friend party this Saturday. I did some Relief Society stuff, then I went over to help my mom a little bit today, trying to figure out how to "copy and paste" and change her password on a website. Then I helped put away a few Christmas things. I like these two Calvin and Hobbes comics on their wall - they are classics. 
I've been cleaning a little bit. Corey and I have three goals to do everyday: 
  • Stretch
  • Read the Book of Mormon
  • Clean in the Basement
Right now we're just aiming for these 3 basics and we'll just 5 min of each. We'll level up after we develop a habit of that. I've been thinking about habits. Like instead of setting goals of things to do whenever, just choose a time and have them become part of your daily habits and they will automatically get done. I think I'll try to finish Atomic Habits this year. I saw a couple of different people reading that book when we were waiting at the airport. Everyone's hoping to improve this year, and I'm one of them. Here's a silly pic of Katharine being weird today. She found a plastic sacrament cup that I had a stack of (left over from covid in 2020).

Silly girl. Reminded me of these pictures of Ethan playing with his wedding ring, haha

He can be so weird sometimes! Looking at that tooth reminds me that Peter has a loose tooth, his first. I was scrubbing it pretty hard just barely when we brushed his teeth before bed. Gotta get it out cause the new tooth is already visible behind it. 

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