Monday, January 13, 2025

FHE - Geneopardy

We played a game called Geneopardy for family home evening tonight. "What is a game that tests your knowledge of your family tree? If you think you know your family tree, try out our newest game." We did pretty good for it being our second time playing it since December 2019. I got one right because I knew that Mary Williamson birthday is the same as Daniel's. It inspired me to want to get to know more of my ancestors and my family tree. 

I was also inspired last Thursday at a New Year Relief Society activity and soup night. I made a tuscan potato soup tonight and I made soup yesterday too, a white bean and chicken rice soup. Yesterday my parents came over for dinner and enjoyed soup with us, and then we watched Monuments Men together. I'd never seen that and don't remember ever hearing about it, but it was pretty good. 

Yesterday and today I've been feeling a little off my drive, but I'm trying to give myself grace and be kind to myself (like we were told to do at the RS Activity). My lazy self is a little stronger at the moment, and that's ok. I've been kinda lazy and slow to get things going. Yesterday we had early  church again. Our new time is 9:30 and we did better at getting there this time. Then it was a lazy day at home. I did a good job making meals. We had hot dogs for lunch and the soup for dinner. One bad thing about me being interested in the meal I'm making is that I overeat. I overate Saturday (Irish roast potato and carrot soup) and yesterday and today. Need to sit down and coach myself and/or fast. I think I'm trying to avoid/escape something. Katharine and I have been taking it easy today. Abi took Sophi and Natalie to violin. Katharine has been dressed up as Snow White all day. 

She was still dressed in it tonight as she and Abi went to bed. Giving Abi a big hug.

Katharine loves her big sister and loves to go to bed with her "Abi". "I want my Abi". 

I'm glad that they have such a cute relationship!

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