Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Peter is 6!

It's time to celebrate, because Peter's Happy Birthday is finally here!

This little boy has been waiting long and hard for January 14th to arrive. I know how you feel Peter, I've been there. I remember after he was born, and then it was January 15th, and my brain had a little short circuit cause I'd never thought of life past the 14th! I just needed to survive until January 14th. I'm glad I did and that we've enjoyed 6 years of Peter since that blessed day when he joined our family. Peter has been an absolute joy, just like Katharine, and ever other baby and toddler I've given birth to.

He is a sweet and sensitive little soul. Happy 6th birthday Peter!
He came home from school and I wasn't here, I was bouldering, so he waited patiently, and Natalie bagged his presents, and then my mom came and then I came and he got to open presents from me, then we sang and sliced up the cake, and then he opened the gifts from my mom. She stayed and we visited for a bit while the kids all helped Peter make his lego sets. He is excited cause he has so many lego robots now: He got iron man on Saturday from Evan, and today he got Darth Vader from me, a Storm Trooper, and Spiderman from my mom. Pretty cool Pete! She came to the temple with me this morning at 5 am, woot! It was good. I took a short power nap from 8:30-9 am before I had a RS meeting, and then K watched Snow White (kind of a weird movie, there is no plot or character development. Is that giving us a peek into the culture of the 1930s?) And then we watched the BYU Devotional at 11am, and Melodie was part of the musical number! Neat! Katharine was excited to see Mel on the tv.
And then I gave K some green fingernails out of play-doh. She felt so fancy.

I bought some ice cream for Peter's b-day, and Katharine and I ate too much of it. I did a good deep clean of the side room tonight and have been thinking of how to rearrange music room, to make it a more useful space for our family. Last thing I did tonight was make the anniversary invitation for our family dinner party next month! Not bad. 

Should be fun. It's 8:30 and Melodie is here, she came up to say hi to Peter. Kids have had cake and ice cream for dinner tonight, and I think Natalie is down there making a protein shake now. Corey is still working but I'm gonna post this and go get kids ready for bed. :) 

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