Thursday, January 9, 2025

Joseph is 25!

Happy Birthday to Joseph! He's 25 years old. A quarter of a century down, 3 to go. Wes was able to call to wish J happy birthday. So that was the only time I talked to him today. K was sad, Wes was trying to get her to smile by making weird faces. 

K was totally mad at me since she woke up. She must have had a dream that I ate a granola bar cause she was yelling at me for taking her granola bar. Kinda funny. I invited Joseph to lunch and I'd venmo to cover his meal, but he and Eliza were going out. That's better than going out to eat with someone over the phone. He said he'd call later, but life probably got busy. I had a Relief Society activity tonight so I wasn't available this evening. He made this cute post on facebook and instagram that I'll borrow to highlight him today:

As of today my heart has been beating for 25 years! That means my heart has beat nearly 1 billion times and pumped about 20 million gallons of blood! But this past year there were SO many wonderful moments that filled my heart with joy, took my breath away, and made my heart skip a few beats. Here are a few of the happy, exciting, and life-changing memories from 2024 and my 25th year.

1. Went on a fun sledding date with a cute girl

2. Got accepted to medical school at The Ohio State University!

3. Proposed to the love of my life (see #1)

4. Graduated from BYU with a degree in Bioinformatics!

5. Visited my missionary home in Guatemala (again)

6. Went backpacking in the Sawtooth Mountains with the funnest family

7. Eliza and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Meridian Idaho Temple!

8. Moved across the country to Columbus, OH

9. Saw some sloths and went zip lining in Costa Rica

10. Made some amazing new friends

11. Finished my first semester of medical school

12. Spent a lot of time in the Temple and in the scriptures

13. The best Christmas with my family in Florida

14. Eliza made me a delicious and colorful birthday dinner

15. Got some exciting news about a new addition to our family! Baby girl coming in June 2025!!! We can't wait to see all that the next 25 years will bring!

That pic above is Eliza's parents visiting them in Ohio. They arrived in the evening of Dec 31, the same day Joseph and Eliza arrived home after our family vacation in Florida. So, looks like 2024 was a great year for Joseph, and that he's had a good first 25 years and yeah, it just gets better from here!

So I was glad that he made that little post, cause it makes a good blog post for me to put here! Makes my job easier. I'd love it if all the kids kept blogs. I'm not sure how good they are doing at writing in journals, but typing is just faster and easier. Um, ok, other things from today! Corey and I went climbing at Ft. Union Momentum and that was fun, we did 8 top rope climbs! I've done 7 before, never 8, and they were hard too. We attempted a 5.11a at the end and kinda did it. Got home from climbing, then I took NODPK to the church to play while I was in my meeting. Talked about new year "intentions" and about being easier/kinder to ourselves about improving. They had 4 delicious pots of soup. I'm going to get stuff to make soup tomorrow. Yum. And big news: Peter lost his first tooth tonight! 

I noticed on Sunday that his new tooth was coming in behind this baby tooth, so I'd been putting a little bit of pressure on him the past few days to get this out. I'd wiggle it pretty hard via the tooth brush when we brushed teeth before bed. Get it to bleed once a day and call it good. But tonight we tried wrapping string around it, but it didn't hold. And he was all weepy and scared, but he layed down for me and held still and I was able to get it with tweezers. He was very brave! And he's glad that the ordeal is over. 

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