Thursday, January 23, 2025

'Nother Good Day

It's been another good day. Today Katharine's friend Becca came over to play. Her mom is expecting and was just put on bed rest. So Becca was here from when the boys went to school until shortly after lunch time. They BOTH wanted to be carried when it was time to walk her home for her nap, but I didn't want to work that hard and carry them both for that long, so I put them on a sled and took them for a little train ride. 

I have a nice phone visit with Nicole while Katharine and Becca played. I was bragging about my clean grout and she wanted to see, so I took some pictures for her. Doesn't that look nice?!?
And by the garage door. I don't think I've ever cleaned this area this well.
K is so proud of me that she was dancing on the clean kitchen counter.
And without child.
Yeah, I really like having a clean house. There are still areas to work on. The laundry room and basement are still in disorder. And Abi has so many clothes that her closet bar fell down again. 
"Fix closet/clothes" was one of Abi's chores for today. The chore board has been simplified again. We are not worrying about a week anymore, we're just taking a day at a time. AND no more dozens of magnets for Katharine to throw on the floor and lose. Just one dry erase marker (and a few wet erase markers that I keep hidden).
So it was a good work day. After school I took Peter and Daniel and 4 of their friends to a birthday party. 
It was at Classic Skating. Cute Peter.
And then I went straight to the new Ft. Union Momentum to climb some bouldering problems. I would have had Abi the kids to the party and then I could have done a bike ride instead, but it was 29 degrees so I opted for something indoors. I figured I'd like a ride better if I waited until tomorrow when it will be in the mid 30s. I was able to take my time bouldering and did 40 - 18 attempts and 22 sends. This pink below is the first V3 I've been able to do since I did two the first week we went climbing this year. 

I have to write down all this info cause they don't have Kaya there (Kaya is the app that keeps track of all this info for me, so they don't have it so I have type it all down myself in my whatsapp so I can paste it into Strava and send it to myself to use on my laptop and put in my workout log. Plus I'm trying to remember which ones I do and which ones I need to try again. It was fun and my palms are spent! It was a good day in many ways. 

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