Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trumpet Mystery

Owen had his trumpet lesson tonight. The girls were all going to the temple at 5:30, and since Natalie is in that group now, that meant ALSN were gone, and if I was gone with Owen too, that would leave Daniel in charge of Peter and Katharine, which wouldn't fly. So I took them all with us and dropped DPK off with Corey at his dad's house. During Owen's lesson, his teacher noticed there was something sounding off with Owen's trumpet. He could still blow air in it, and she shook it and there wasn't anything rattling around inside, but it sounded muted a bit. I mentioned that I had seen Katharine open Owen's case earlier, and then Owen pointed out that his orange straw was missing. When we got home we were able to solve the mystery!
Haha, I gotta keep an eye on Katharine! I'm glad we were able to figure that out so quickly and now it sounds back to normal, yay. I simplified the chore board even more tonight. No magnets. Just a dry erase pen on top, and kids write down what they do. Owen and Abi were the only two who played along. Owen wins again. He's a good worker and very obedient, which I appreciate. He is the only one who cleans the boys room 95% of the time and is the most consistent of the kids at helping me with chores, and my heart is grateful when he comes up to me and asks "Can I do anything else for you?" Good kid. Corey and I are going to do a little bit of a "core balance training" before bed. It's a program Corey bought that he likes and has been doing. We're hoping it helps his back, and mine needs help too, so we'll give it a go and hope it helps slow down how old we feel sometimes! That's also part of our motivation behind biking and climbing. It's been very cold, but it was warm enough yesterday that I went on a bike ride. I was able to get up to Techy, and would have gone to the ruins, except I had to hurry back to pick up Abi at the bus stop (on her way home from her flute lesson) and take Owen and Daniel to activity days. Another photo of the lovely snowy mountains. I love it.
I went to the temple this morning for 5am initiatories, and then I went to Ft. Union Momentum after. So even though I'd already gotten in some exercise today, I went on a bike ride too, because it was "warm" enough (above 30 degrees) and because today Owen had trumpet after school, so I knew I couldn't take a bike ride today. So I enjoyed my ride, other than I wasn't able to pause and soak in the scenery because I was on a time crunch. I plan to go again on Thursday and or Friday, it will be in the 30s both of those days too (31 on Thurs and 38 on Friday. Tomorrow will be cutting it close, so maybe I'll just do Friday, we'll see). 

Katharine was super cute this morning. Little sleepy eyes. Corey and I gave her kisses and then she said "I'm so beautiful. But I don't have a cupcake..." and then we talked about cupcakes for a bit. I guess that was what she was dreaming about last night.
Last week she woke up super mad at me and yelled at me for taking her granola bar. It's funny cause she's hasn't figured out what dreams are - that they didn't really happen, so she'll just wake up and be sad cause Mel is gone or cause Natalie didn't wait for her, etc. Sometimes how the morning goes depends on what her dream was. But we visited as she ate her oatmeal with her doggy puppy. Then we danced to music while I cleaned, and watched a bit of Bluey as I scrubbed the floor. I wasn't planning on doing much on the floor today, but when I found a container of spilled salad dressing had run down the inside of the garbage can and gone through a hole and pooled underneath the garbage can, that got me started and I ended cleaning up that and scrubbing other areas. So the floor still looks awesome and I love it. Then K and I went with Kathy to visit a new neighbor. Katharine was happy to play with a new 3 year old friend Aspen!
And then it was home for more cleaning. It's been a good day. 

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