Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sick Sunday

K and I stayed home from church today. She's still sick. Here's cute K sleeping on our floor after coming into our room last night with a fever. She took her 5 ml of tylenol like a champ this morning.  

While everyone else was at church, K wouldn't let me read, sit at the computer, etc, so we laid on the sofa in the music room and wasted time watching North Valley Group reels. I enjoyed it, they are funny, although I know it was not the best sabbath activity. But we're just in survival mode right now. K was draining the life and productivity out of me. 

This evening we finished watching an HBO documentary called "Fake Famous". Corey started it for us last night, in an effort to give the girls pause before they ask to check Instagram. It was interesting and we decided we don't want to be famous. So we have that going for us. I was also campaigning for a documentary on the Battle of the Bulge, but I lost. This evening I was able to do some "Unit History" stories for Relief Society. As the secretary, I'm in charge of making a annual history, but they changed it recently that instead of submitting an annual history to the ward historian, now each organization is to document up to the church website via little "stories". I like how they are re-emphasizing that each ward's "History is a spiritual work that brings followers of Jesus Christ closer to Him by helping them see 'What great things the Lord hath done' (title page of the Book of Mormon)." I loved that. That's the why behind my efforts to blog. It's so important. Yes, I record the common and mundane, but ultimately my hope is that this record I've been making will help my children turn to Christ. I want to strengthen their faith as they see how we handled of our mortal experiences. In the Book of Mormon in Alma, it says that while record keeping may seem like a small and simple thing, it enlarges the memory of the people and brings them to the knowledge of their God unto the salvation of their souls (Alma 37:6, 8). A thought that goes along with this quote by Elder Bednar that was in last weeks "Come Follow Me" study material (in a video titled "Youth Responsibility in the Work of Salvation" at this link, about 1/3 of the way down):

I want to summarize something very quickly. If you consider the adjustments that have been made, you now have the operational, the executional responsibility for the work of salvation, under the direction of the bishop, taking place in the elders quorum and in the relief Society. Not just the presidencies, but in the elders quorum and in the relief society! If you pay attention to the recent adjustments, in the young women classes, and in the Aaronic priesthood quorums, they have exactly the same responsibility! All under the direction of the Bishop. The relief Society, elders quorum, young women class presidencies, Aaronic priesthood quorum presidencies, quorums and classes. And they’re not planning activities in Aaronic priesthood, quorum, and in the young women classes to take time, to fill a checkbox because "we’re supposed to do this every week" or because we want to entertain people. You focus on the work of salvation, learning and living the gospel, sharing the gospel, uniting families, and helping the poor and the needy! End of sentence! That’s it. This is really simple! Now all this prepares us to hear what I wanna express now. Can you see? Can you, can we, begin to see what happens, when the elders quorum, the Relief Society, the priesthood quorum and the young women classes are ALL lazer beam singularly focused on the work of salvation. The miracles that will occur, the advancement of this work in the earth, will be astronomical! And I have this one admonition: do not underestimate the capacity of these young men and these young women. They don’t just need to sit and listen to adults tell them how great it is. They don’t need to have adults saying "Well when you get a little older, you’ll have your turn." They need to be anxiously engaged in this work right now. And they will help identify things to do, ways of accomplishing this work, that will majestically move this work all over the earth. Please do not underestimate what those Aaronic priesthood quorum, and those young women classes can accomplish."

I really loved that so much (esp the part I have bolded above)! It was the same message in this PDF Handout from the church on Unit Histories. We want to show how our activities bring us to Christ. Corey and I don't read the scriptures with the kids, or have them do chores, or practice music, etc etc because "we're supposed to do this every week". I do not care about entertaining them, we are focused on them being ready to fulfill their missions on this earth and that they'll be prepared to return to God and receive the salvation He offers. That was awesome, I love it! 

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