Monday, January 27, 2025


Tonight was STEAM Night over at the school (Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). I knew the elementary kids would like to go when I saw the flyer last week. Natalie was in charge of FHE tonight, so I asked her over the weekend what she thought of us doing that. She was ok with it, so that's what we did tonight. They had lost of fun stations and they gave us a paper to get "stamped" at each station, that we could then turn in for a cookie at the end. There was one table with a circuit board, where you had to put the plus and negative pieces together correctly to make a fan go and then fly. Owen really liked it. Daniel came over to try it and I watched him. He was looking at the "solution" on the back of the page. I said "I think you're supposed to figure it out..." Daniel replied "Nah, I like copying instead." 
Haha. Most of the kids liked the playdoh station the best. It wasn't regular playdoh though - it was kinda foamy, not sticky though and very light. It smelled like vinegar. Daniel rolled three colors into a very good sphere and after it dried, he was able to bounce it like a bouncy ball! We were all amazed at that. Anyway, it was a fun night, the kids each got a cookie from the principle after. Lily didn't come to FHE, she said she had homework, but Corey thinks she was just mad at her sisters. He stayed with Lil for a little bit. Katharine seemed to have been feeling better today, but once we got to the school, her eyes looked terrible, like she was dying of hay fever or something. She also got really mad at me, cause she insisted on being held, and as I held her, I slightly crumpled her paper that they gave us at the beginning. Looking at the paper that I set on my leg after she refused to take it cause it was not perfectly unwrinkled.
"Mom! You messed up my paper! Waaaah!" She's utterly disgusted by my lack of care.
I think she was really just tired, so I let her verbally abuse me, and I held her and took her out into the hall, where she fell asleep. Abi stayed and talked with me, and took this pic. 
Then Corey came over a little bit late and stayed for a bit, but then he took Katharine back home. I'm hoping she's over this bug soon. I went and watched Owen play a game called "Face off" with one of the teachers. It's where you roll a pair of dice and then do some math to be able to cross off one of the numbers 1-12, first one to get all of them cleared wins. After Owen won she said she's give him a stamp, he said he already got one for that station, he was just playing for fun, She and I smiled at each other and thought it was so cute. He's a good kid. Peter was at a birthday party tonight so no pics of him playing games. His friend's mom gave him a ride there and back (Airborne in Draper) so that was very helpful and they brought him back at 7:30. 

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