Sunday, March 18, 2007

Brazil '07 - Soccer Shootout *

Sunday, 18 March 2007

So week 5 is almost over - here's some of the fun we had:
On Thursday morning, before Corey left for Sao Paulo, I went to a doctor appointment so they could draw blood for whatever tests they need to do for the baby. I went to the doctor on Monday and had my first exam. It was the first time I've heard this baby's heart beat, so that was fun. I am looking forward to starting to feel him/her kick, which should be in another 2 weeks. I will probalby be getting an ultrasound this month or next. As for the blood work on Thursday, they had to fill up like 5 little viles of blood - most of the other people in line only had 2 or 3. So after sucking out all my blood and since I hadn't eaten anything that morning (I had to be in a state of fasting) I promptly fainted when they were done. Luckily the lady in line behind me was waiting for her turn at the door, and she proudly told me (as I lay on the table after I came to) that she had saved me from hitting the floor. It's a weird thing to faint. I could feel it coming on, and was trying to breath through it, next thing I knew I was trying to remember why I was waking up ... I didn't remember going to bed.... Then I saw the male nurse in front of me and I was like - oh. So the new Portuguese word of the week is "faint" --> "desmaio". They had me lay down for a minutes, my friend Lillian came into the room to see if I was ok, and after a few minutes they let me leave - I told them I had some crackers in the car.
Corey had said I could go to the temple if I wanted to after my appointment, so I ate some cookies and crackers real quick on the drive to the temple, enough to get me through a sesssion. At the temple I waited for 30 minutes for the session to start when a sister came and asked me to do initiatories and then go to the next session. I said that would be fine. It turned out to be a good thing. Two sisters from my ward were the temple workers in the washing and anointing, so that was nice to see them. Plus they were the ones who helped me out when after doing 2 proxy people I threw up all over them and myself the cookies and crackers I had scarfed down. We went and changed clothes, cleaned the floor, and I sat down for a mintues, then we finished the work. I did 10 initiatories and afterward told them I was going to skip out on doing a session and go back home. So I got back home, took a nap while Corey tried to work with all the kids buggin him, and then we went to take him to the bus for Sao Paulo.
He left to Sao Paulo Thursday at 4pm to teach a GMAT class that night, then slept over there at a friend's house, and caught an early plane to Argentina - Buenos Aires, to teach a GMAT class there (he loves waving the flag of BYU!) He had a great time - I'll try to get him to write it down for you and for posterity some of his thoughts and experiences. He got home around 2:30 a.m. this (Sunday) morning. We stayed up and talked about his trip and went to bed around 3:30. The funniest thing he shared with me was something he's shared before, how wherever he goes, people just stare at him and don't even know what to say when he mentions that he has 5 kids. Like they are just dumbfounded. The people in Argentina that he stayed with, the people in the class he taught, in our ward here we have a different person talk with us everyweek about "CINCO?!?!" (then I gently point out my growing tummy and they throw their heads back in disbelief). So Corey, it was pretty funny to hear him describe sitting next to a fellow LDS saint on the plane ride home, who said "Are you a Mormon?" then pointed to Corey's garment line under his pants. Yes I am, he was too, and was talking about Rio where he lives, saying that the Prophet is more concerned for members in Rio than any other place in the world - Corey said this guy seemed as straight arrow as straight as could be, like Corey was feeling guilty cause he hadn't shaved for a few days - "What can I do to prove I'm a faithful member?" and this guy was preaching to Corey about whatever commandments - but when Corey mentioned having 5 kids, the guy just stared at him in silence not knowing what to say, but seemed to be thinking "Why would you do that? Who in their right mind would have 5 kids?" ... as if he didn't even realize that family and having children is a pretty basic teaching of the Church and central to the purpose of life.... but he didn't seem to see a connection. People in the US that we meet seem to have respect when they see our crew, like we are brave, we're doing it right, but it's hard and they conceed that they themselves struggle to have such faith to have more kids. But this guy had no respect, he was just like "you fool!" So it was kinda funny, I don't know if I told that correctly, I'll have Corey correct it or give more detail.
So I had been sleeping when Corey got home, he woke me up at the window at 2:30 am. I was lucky to get some sleep, Corey however, was totally exhausted at church at 9:00 this morning. Everyone at church told him they were glad he got home safe, and also several people said "So did you hear about the party and the soccer shootout?" Last night there was a Kariokee activity, before the singing though they had a ward futibol shootout. The church chapel is tile and the pews are all unattached from the floor, so the chapel doubles as the multi purpose room. All the pews were moved to the sides and they brought out a small goal that was a little smaller in size than an orange box. Every couple got 2 shots for the wife and 2 for the husband. I was near the end, and everycouple had only gotten one goal each, except for the sister missionaries who had 2 goals. Some kids chose partners and got up to take turns kicking too - Mel and Joe had a turn, and then it was the Sisters (both Brazilian), and then it was me and Ethan. Ethan wanted to kick, but didn't want to loose. I took two shots, my first one hit the side pole, the other one scored. Ethan's turn - he just stood there with his finger in hanging from his lower lip - the fear of failure!!!! I tried to coax him to try, but he didn't, so we walked away. Then the leader of the activity, our good friend Antonio, told me to take two more shots in Corey's behalf. Ok - kick one - Goal! Yay! I was tied with the sisters to win the box of chocolates! Joe and Mel were excited. Kick two - GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!! Woo-hoo! My 3 goals were enough to hold the lead as the rest of the ward took their turns. The winner is TIFFANIE! The American!!! So that is my big pay off - years of AYSO soccer, high school, and a little at college, and now I can say that I can out shoot a room of Brazilians. U-S-A!! U-S-A!! Corey's actually been bragging about me just for fun, I'm not sure if he's teasing me or them, or talking just to talk, saying how I was on the "Olympic Development Team" in Jr. High - (I went to one tournament and sat on the sidelines, but still it kinda sounds impressive) - so he'd brag to Antonio and others about that and how I was quite the player back in the day. So I was glad I didn't choke under pressure. I think Heavenly Father knew it would be a little fun icing on the cake after having so much help over the weekend, hence the 3 goals. To all of you who doubled the prayer power for us, thanks so much, I know God answers your prayers and mine, I felt safe and had a good weekend, not stressful at all. Thanks to all of you and to the Lord. The gospel is true! Corey was telling me about the nice homes he stayed at in Argentina, how he thinks Argentina in general is a lot nicer than Brazil, and he apologized for not getting us into a nicer place, but then we talked about how we will just be here in Brazil for a short while. But even when we come back to the US, that is not our real home either - This earth is not our home, we are all here for a short trip, a quick visit, and are supposed to do work and serve and learn, and then we get to go to our real home with our Father in Heaven. That is where we are supposed to be.