Corey, my adorable husband, promised he'd never leave me again after his 10 day trip to Korea in July 2005 right after Wesley was born. But on October 15th I bid him adieu again (and again I was home with a newborn) as he left me for his longest trip yet, this time to India! Yippie! Corey didn't have that country's visa in his passport yet! (His passport is quite impressive to regular folks, but just up to par for him and his sibling's standard...they've been to every continent except Antartica) . When we picked up his visa I could tell he was excited - so excited that he had to show me visa page of his passport through the car window before he could open the door and sit down. He's excited! So Corey left for India on Monday morning on October 15th at 8 a.m. and he will be back on November 3rd at 11 p.m. So that means we're over half way done, I think I'll survive.
Corey was sad he'd miss Halloween, but we'll take pictures. The kids might go trick or treating with friends or family. If I send them with friends, I'll have an impossible time getting them all home and to bed for school the next day. But it's only Halloween once a year, right? It will be okay if they are tired and sick from too much sugar at school the next day, I'm sure the teachers will be expecting it.
Things are okay here, night time is the most chaotic trying to get all the kids to bed. Tonight some of the neighborhood kids were doorbell ditching us, so my crew thought that was fun and were all camping out in the front room so they could catch them in the act. Then they wanted to go out and join the fun "Can we PLEASE go doorbell ditching? Please?! Please?! Please!?" but mean mother that I am said "No - it's time for bed. You can go doorbell ditching tomorrow when you get home from school." "...but we haven't read scriptures yet!" so we'd read a little, then the doorbell would ring and you'd think someone had yelled "FIRE!" cause they all jump up and head for the door. Hyrum cries if someone else answers it if he's on his way to get it. It's so funny how they act, I remember being there with my siblings. Kids are so fun