I don't know if any of you have seen the show Mission Organization on HGTV, but I think it is my favorite show. I went over to a friends house on Wednesday and helped her clear out a desk in their kitchen, and it was so fun! I am her visiting teacher for church, and somehow we starting talking about messy basements and clutter, and I told her I'd let her borrow my book "CLUTTER'S LAST STAND" By Don Aslett (thanks to Mother for introducing me to that book). She took me to her kitchen desk, where she was unable to close the bottom desk drawer because it was full of junk and something fell behind the drawer when she opened it and now it wouldn't close. So I came over and we did a complete overhaul. Using the techniques that I learned from watching probably a hundred episodes of Mission Organization during our 9 months in Virginia, we were able to clear out her desk and filled three garbage cans full of trash. We were easily able to find places for her other things, and I just thought it was so fun, and she says she knows that there are tons of people that need help clearing out stuff and that I should do it for a business if I really like it. I do think that would be a fun job. Any suggestions for what I could name my business if I did that? I'm doing a little research online. I am going over to her house again on Monday and we're going to tackle her boys' rooms. Should be fun!