Friday, March 20, 2009

Lookin' Divine in 2009!

Ok, so I talked to Beka about this this afternoon...

I'm starting a health/weight challenge for myself and anyone who wants to join. It will be a 9 month challenge, which will be from now through Christmas. We can make it a weight loss challenge for personal best to meet your personal goal, or a competition for who looses the largest percentange among us, ...maybe everyone will be a winner! I haven't figured out that part yet, or the prize... more on that in a second, but I hereby state that I will be a size 6 and 130 lbs by Christmas. Right now I'm 160 lbs and I still have the last trimester to go. I've been walking in the mornings (at 5:45! Mon, Wed, Fri) with a great neighbor girlfriend, but I need to do some weight training at the gym. So until July, I'm just going to be working to minimize the pounds I gain, and after this little one is out of the oven, watch out cause I am gonna win! You all have a 3 month head start on me, so try and get ahead if you can!

So the Prize - it can be a cash prize, I'd donate $500 to the cause for myself or to divvy up with other Divine'09 ladies. Or we can all pitch in like $5 for each pound we loose, most pounds lost takes the pot? Or we can each buy one of our favorite things to end to each person in the game that reaches their goal? Any ideas?


  1. Hi Hermana! Love the blog! My email is Send me your email and then I can send you an invite to our family blog. It is basically my journal so you won't miss a beat of what is going on in our lives. I'm addicted to blogging! I linked to Charity's blog from yours and not much updated! :) Think we can get her to add more?!! Happy SPRING! Don't you love the SUNSHINE!

  2. I am always up for a challenge! Will I be disqualified if I am doing Weight Watchers? I already decided to try this after Lilly is born. I only have a month jump on ya! Competition is good!
