I came home from the hospital on June 25, which is Wesley's birthday. He didn't mind sharing the attention with his baby sister arriving home. In fact, it took a while to convince him it was his birthday. Grandma Hibbert brought over a cake, Wesley let us sing to him, but still didn't seem to think it was his lucky day...

that is until he opened a present...

Which was the bomb! He got a bounty hunter! That's what he wanted for his birthday! So then he said "It's my birthday!" and started to hold up 4 fingers instead of 3.

Wesley is such a sweet little boy. We love having him in our family. He will frequently and randomly come up to Corey or I during any given part of the day, and say with a sigh in his voice "Dad, I love you~" or "Mom, you're pretty!" I think he's going to be a charmer like his father.