On Friday Nov. 6th the kids didn't have school cause of Parent Teacher Conference weekend, and since it was a nice warm day I bribed the kids with a lunch at Chuck-a-Rama (they love the dessert buffet) if they'd endure a little hike in the mountains. (Corey was working, so I took all 7 kids by myself! Aren't I brave?!)

I'd seen the trailhead before after going to the temple, so it's been on my list to go check it out. It wasn't steep at all, so it was perfect for the kids. We walked for a half hour up and then a half hour back.

They were surprised to come over a slight bend and see the temple! ...I pointed out that we
did just drive by it before we parked...

Can you see all three temples? (click on the image, and then click on it again to magnify it...)
We stopped after Abi started walking funny and seemed to have hurt her right foot/ankle. I think she and Wes would have kept on going otherwise. Now the older kids... they were moping from the start. Shouldn't that be the other way around?

Here's where we turned around after I made them let me get one last photo - Joe is in the back with his stick turned Harry Potter wand.

Then I thought I'd see if the kids could get a non-blurry shot of me too. Ethan did a good job on his first try! It's nice to have myself documented every now and again - someday to be used as proof that I was alive and a part of their upbringing. And here below is how my return hike started and ended, with Lili wrapped on front and Abi going piggy back...

It's not really that bad if you have a kid in front and back to balance each other out. :)