Monday, October 18, 2010

Kid Happiness Addition

A Lesson in addition.

If you take this...

and you add this...

What does it equal


(Take your time)



That's right! It equals happy kids with chocolately faces and hands.
(and I love that little face!!!)

Good Job Lily. You get an A+

These really are sinfully delicious. I'm glad that they're all gone right now mostly thanks to me eating a ton of them - cause it's helped me be good at my diet the past few days. Seeing as I get to diet again. I was taking it easy not worrying about weight cause I thought morning sickness would kick in soon and then I wouldn't want to eat.... but it never came, so I just kept eating freely and felt out of whack. I'm feeling better now - thank you Jersh for your email today :) - and even exercised today and have figured out a way to keep it up... Corey is so busy that he can't take the extra burden of trying to work out with me, so today inspiration hit "Hey! I got lots of kids! They can take turn having one day of the week that they have to workout with me!" It worked great tonight. They all did a little bit of plank, Mel did the plyometrics, it was good stuff. I broke a sweat and we'll see if I'm sore tomorrow. I did some plyo last week on Monday and was sore til Saturday. Not being able to walk without pain killed my desire to workout again last week. So, it's a new week, I ate great today, did my workout, so I'm at 100%, and am now going to go make my plan for tomorrow, and will probably have to stay away from the Nutella in the junk food isle at the store. I was thinking it was all about my motivation being non-existent, but I like what I read in Dr. Phil's weight loss book - you can have all the motivation in the world, but unless you have the tools, you are going to crash. He compared it to a normal person being responsible to land a jet airline or die crashing it... You would be very motivated to land that plane in one piece, but you aren't going to be able to do it by just being motivated, you need to know how to do it. I know how to do it, and I'm finding my rhythm again now that we're into the groove of life here. Took a few weeks to get the hang of it, but last week was great and seemed to speed by, time is marching on and we'll be home before we know it.

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