As with each child born in our family, Corey took his "What? a new baby?! I need a vacation!" trip and I get to tease him for the rest of his life about it. He went to Korea for "business" right after Welsey was born, to India when Abi was a month old, kinda funny... Something about a newborn crying at night gives him the international travel bug. This time he went to Chile and Peru for 10 days (5 days in each country... partly for business, partly for pleasure). At the business part of it in Lima, he and his friend Brian got to try some very exotic Peruvian dishes -
Next they took a plane from Lima to go visit Machu Picchu - BUT... how safe would you feel if this was what you saw outside the window at the airport?
Well they did survive and made it to Cusco, spent the night there, then early on Saturday they drove to Ollantaytambo , then took a train to Aguas Calientes, then took a bus to their final desitnation: Machu Picchu! New friend Javier served as their guide.

Yes, I ate a whole beautiful platter of these variety cheesecakes pictured above. Mississippi Mud, Chocolate Marble, Fudge Brownie... mmm, chocolate... Confession, actually, I ate two of these beauties - one platter of 12 slices, one platter of 14 slices, minus the three slices that I gave to my neighbor and the maybe 3 pieces that I shared with the kids when they caught me sneaking into the freezer in the garage. 2 for sure, 3 is a generous estimate. Kids were throwing up Saturday night to Sunday morning, the rest of the week I was sick and ate cold cheesecake for breakfast lunch and dinner to sooth my sore throat till Corey returned on Friday, at which time I shared with my neighbor and kids what was left of the cakes to get rid of the evidence. It was good, and now that Corey's back and we've both recovered, it's back to reality. Treats are all gone and I've been getting up at 5:30 and passing an awake baby Sophia to Joseph who for some reason is awake too (he wakes up on his own and showers in the mornings! I'm so impressed!) for him to hold while I go on a quick 20 minute / 2 mile run with a neighbor.
So that's what's been going on here. Other than that, I've been reading a book that Corey got which proposes that Nephi landed in Peru, titled "Nephi in the Promised Land" - very intriguing stuff!! Given me lots of food for thought, I'm eating it up faster than I ate the cheesecake, very cool, it's really fun :)
No fair! Why do the boys always get to have all the fun? Next time you need to join him. I would have been more than happy to take one of those cakes off your hands. They look delicious. I hope you are all doing better now.