Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Little Fairy

 Sophia likes these wings from Lily's Halloween costume.  She makes us put them on her.
She was being so cute last night, feeding herself some imaginary food from a little bowl (baby bottle cap) and a little spoon.
Sophi and Lily looked about the same size to me as they sat on the floor together.  Sophi's growing up fast.  They also look so different to me - straight hair vs. curly, blond vs. brown, almond eyes vs. large round eyes.  I wonder what kind of friends these two little kids will turn into as they grow up together.
Sophi, you're a goof!
My little goof is showing off her trick again!
Pretty good Sophi, I love your little legs!  Her chubby thighs double as my squishy stress relievers, like those stress ball things.
Sophi, probably not the safest thing to walk with a spoon in your mouth...
It's so fun, I love it. 

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