Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Si Vas Para Chile...

Sophi, your future has been decided and it is out of your control.  Yet you seem so calm... can you share some of that peace and trust with me, please?
I shall begin this post with my last political sidenote of this year and perhaps forever (since the pessimistic part of me thinks America as we know it will cease to exist during the next 4 years, Obama 2016 has left me pretty persuaded of that possibility.  If any Obama supporter out there has seen that documentary and wants to tell me why the concerns it brings up are wrong, I'm all ears)...

ok - obviously unhappy about the results from the election.  I feel sorry for America who could have had Romney as our leader, it would have been so great.  Really nervous about the economy now, I feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel.  I compare it to being pregnant 9 months, thinking I'm going in to deliver, then being told I am actually going to be pregnant for another 2 years.  DEPRESSING.  Ugh.  The pessimist in me thinks this election will stand as a testimony against us and our wickeness, much like Abinadi's death.  The optimist in me, and I'm really going to have to consciously decide to tend that garden (thus going to have to take a major break from news for a few months) is taking the challenge to live my life fully right here and right now, I believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land and know he will bless us if we do not forsake him, He has not forsaken me and my family.  I'm in charge of myself and my happiness no matter who the president is.  I'm a God-fearing woman, I believe the prophecies about the last days, we know what's going to happen regarding Zion, and now I think I can see a little more how it might happen.  I was hoping we had a little more time.  Sigh.

So we'll see what we are impressed to do.  Heading to Santiago is on the table, which we said with a joking laugh to Angela today as she headed home to Chile. Angela has spent the past month here in the once blessed US of A. (there I go being a pessimist again...)
She's headed out today.  Corey's with her at the airport, her plane takes off in about an hour.
She loves us and we love her. After the Presidential Election results yesterday, we said "Don't worry, we'll see you really soon!  Like maybe in January! (since we'll be fleeing the country).  But then Corey reminded me that America is the last stand, there's no where else to go.  Sigh.  While I'm totally letting "worry-itis" make me sick thinking his company will be killed by the terrible economy now, he thinks there's a glimmer of hope because it's an international business, so who knows.  sigh.
The kids are going to miss her, Corey and I will too and we pray she has a safe flight.  She was able to go to New York to see the Sacred Grove a week before Hurricane Sandy, pretty lucky, and what a blessing for her and for us too.  Vaya con Dios!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. I just don't get America. I think people are just ignorant. I have decided to boost my food storage, savings, and family. I can decide that I will succeed. I just have to get over the feeling that America passed by an amazing opportunity that may never come again.
