Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mr. Artist

Let me tell you what's going on in Wesley's world lately.  He still dresses up in character on a regular basis and is lost in imaginative play.  In addition to being incredibly creative at home and with friends, Wesley is also becoming quite the studious artist.
It's really cute.  He's got sketches and drawings all over his bed shelf.  He's pretty serious about it and has made several "Wesley's Art Book"-s, where he usually staples a stack of paper together, illustrates the cover, and then looses it and makes another one, again and again, kinda funny and slightly annoying.  I am trying to get them to do the cover, draw their pictures, but not staple drawn or blank pages together until they've finished their "book", cause they really do waste quite a bit of paper... sillies.
Below you'll notice Wesley getting a few moments of drawing in during a family youtube clip via Corey's smartphone.  Good job Wes, don't waste any time!  You're doing good work, keep developing those talents!
(and I think we need to order Corey another lap to hold all those kids...)

1 comment:

  1. We've got the same problem here. My boys and their books and all the wasted paper but at least they are being creative I guess.
