Friday, March 1, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day Wreath

Well, another month, another holiday, another wreath for our front door -
St. Patrick's Day... what to do.  I checked out Pinterest a few times.  There were lots of food ideas, but not much door decor inspiration that inspired me.  Google images helped me find this top 10 St. Patty's Day wreaths.  I liked wreaths 4, 5, and 10 and last Saturday I set to work with those images in mind and with the things I had on hand.  I spray painted one of the vine wreaths I had downstairs green, then wrapped it with some green material, made some fabric flowers and just fiddled around for most of the day.  Kitchen island was left a mess as my creative side tried to let loose ~
...but finally finished it to my satisfaction around 7pm.  Funny how I don't mind this taking me several hours, but just 1 hour of jute wrapping that juice bottle felt like such a waste of time.  Maybe it was cause I did that on a school night.  Anyway, this wreath was my 3rd project I started and finished last week, wow!  Hooray for becoming a "do"-er!  :)  And we are making this fruit tray again this year,
and I might also add some Lucky Charm's Marshmallow treats (like Rice Krispy Treats but with Lucky Charms) for their school lunch treat before the Patrick's day weekend.  Not going to do a drawn out advent like we did for Valentine's day.  That didn't work out so well with what I wanted to achieve.  Not a lot of "fun" involved, just expecting a treat each morning which didn't feel fun for me, and they didn't really do the daily love service thing, and when Valentine's day did finally come, it was anti-climactic cause I'd done the advent instead of something on that day.  Next time we'll just keep the day special, not the 2 weeks before it. 

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