Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fun With Broken Glass

There is a desk in Corey's office, and that desk had a piece of glass over it to protect the wood. That piece of glass broke yesterday. I picked up the items that were on top of the desk, and then instructed Joseph to take the big piece and Melodie to take the smaller piece and go put them in the garbage bin. And it was in these circumstances that I learned once again that Melodie is a goof.
She couldn't take the glass out to meet it's untimely death without trying to make it feel like it reached it's full potential and made a difference in this world... 
Hence, she pressed her face all over it. (Those two pics above were my favorites, you can tell how hard I'm laughing by how blurry the picture is.)
We were both laughing so hard we had tears. Joseph said he thought it was funny, but didn't know why we were crying about it.
Part of it was that she had to try not to laugh for the blow faces to work, so as she tried not to laugh I had to try not to laugh so I wouldn't make her laugh as I looked at her with the camera. And trying not to laugh, of course, always makes people laugh even harder. And she thinks her dad is weird! Well, he is pretty funny, and that must be where she gets it from. And I betcha no one she meets at school tomorrow would ever suspect there's such a silly girl behind her shy and quiet demeanor.
Mel's just great. When I go grocery shopping, I'll tell Mel "I'll pay you a candy bar if you clean while I'm gone...." and she'll readily agree and have the house spankin' clean when I get back, and is awarded a Skor or Heath candy bar (chocolate and toffee, yum! she's a girl after my own heart). It's a win-win situation.
Love you Mel, thanks for making me laugh. I'll miss you as my babysitter and helper and friend while you're at school tomorrow!


  1. That last pic, w/o her glasses, she looks like a long haired Ethan.

  2. Mel and Ethan do look alike, they're the same height too - I could totally pass them off as twins
