Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I'm feeling like a wimp, like I'm not even bothering trying to do anything since I'm 98% positive I won't be able to do anything cause as soon as I start, a certain little angel will notice that she's been left temporarily unattended and will want someone to cuddle her. But then I think "Oh, the dishes aren't going anywhere, but this little one is." You know the little poem, right?
Still, there is a family and a home here that I need to run. I gotta try to figure out how to do stuff with all my helpers gone. I can sit at the computer and nurse at the same time, and I can also read or watch tv while I nurse, but I cannot clean or cook. I hope I can figure things out without getting overwhelmed. The older 3 are home now, I better go put them to work while I have a chance! First assignment which Melodie happily took was to watch Natalie. I went to peek on them, Mel was trying to rest on her shoulder while she held Natalie -
Looks about like how I'm feeling. :)  Ok, here I go, gonna go face the mess.

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