Monday, August 26, 2013


Abi finally started school today. She has been looking forward to this day for over a year. She is really ready. She was even anxious and ready to go last year, but poor girl, her birthday was 2 days shy of the cut off, so her friends went off to school and Abi had to wait. Today the wait was over and she was up and ready to walk out the door at 7:40, an hour before she had to leave. Then she asked why it takes so long for the bus to come.
I thought I should make her wear some of her new clothes or atleast doll up her hair a bit special for her first day, but she got ready by herself and didn't want me to do her hair.
Her brothers were anxious to show her the ropes of catching the bus and they walked with her to the bus stop. Happy Kindergarten Day Abi!

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