Friday, August 23, 2013

Who Left Out the Scissors?

Lily was over playing at a neighbor's house when Joseph informed me that there were clumps of hair on the floor of his room. I asked "Light brown or dark?"  "Light.... it looks like Lily's." When she returned home, I summoned her to come before me. Sure enough, cut hair isn't something you can talk your way out of. We'd found the guilty party.
Lily, what do you have to say for yourself?
So, I got my scissors and tried to see how we could fix it. It's not the first time Lily's cut her own hair, and I'm pleased to say I handled it like a pro. I calmly put her on the bathroom counter and made her hair symmetrical. Luckily it's still kinda long in the front, so I thought it turned out cute. As she checked herself out in the mirror some haircut remorse set in. She says she looks like a boy.
Hopefully she'll decide not to take her hair into her own hands again. As for me, I get so hot with my hair that cutting the hair off of her neck looked very appealing to me.
You're still gorgeous Lily.

For a little laugh, here's a cute video I saw today - The Hungry Games, My favorite part, where the daughter says "You can feed us but we'll still be hungry!" So true. Usually it's right after I've finally got the dishwasher loaded and going and the table wiped off that a kid comes into the kitchen, opens the fridge, and asks "Can I have some food?"

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